Friday, January 2, 2015

... and again...

Val is a strong advocate for journaling for mental health,  So, hear I am again, years later.

This blog used to be invite only, but it's not like anyone is going to read this thing anyway, right?  Nevertheless, I deleted all the previous entries and made it public.  Might as well put it out there and then maybe someone struggling with my same issues could find some inspiration and encouragement here.

My one and only concern would be that Set will find this.  He was one of the invited readers before, and it stands to reason that he remembers the blog.  But then again, do I really even fucking care?  Probably not.  There were things I could never say to him to his face.  There was so much that I held back.  If he learns those things here, fine.  Whatever.

If he finds out how I really feel now.  How I really felt then.  He'll probably try to contact me.  I can just ignore him.

Good enough for me.

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