Monday, February 23, 2015

SuperBetter Quest: Be the Claus

Time to make a "naughty" and "nice" list—and we don't mean of neighborhood children…
YOUR QUEST: On one list, write down all of your worries, stressors, and fears. Putting them to paper helps relieve stress and make our problems seem more manageable.
On the other list, write down all of the things you're happy about, grateful for, and find enjoyable right now.
Choose your top items from each list and share them with a friend or post them to your Activity Wall.
naughty nice
  • I'm worried about the sustainable stability of my current living situation
  • I'm upset that my daughter is being abused and right now there's nothing I can do about it
  • I'm concerned that I'm not managing my time well enough for the multitude of projects that I have going right now
  • I hate the fact that I've gotten so fat
  • I'm sad that my body is reacting so adversely to alcohol now, because now I have absolutely no recourse for letting things go
  • I'm very pleased that things are stable enough to maintain an exceptional recovery process
  • I'm amused by the fact that my daughter loves me and tells me she hates her dad
  • I love the fact that I've crawled out of the life-suck abyss and actually have hobbies and interests again
  • I'm glad that Bran still enjoys my body
  • I'm happy that my body is rejecting chemical addiction right now. I think the knitting might just be a suitable replacement

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