Monday, March 2, 2015


There was a time in my life when every song by Within Temptation had a place in my mind and in my heart.  Every person I knew was connected to one song in particular, in a way.  

This song... Bittersweet...  This was dedicated to me by one of my other selves.

There's a side of me that has always been strong.  Always able to face fears and overcome them.  That same side of me has been there for others, helping them to be strong.  Helping them to overcome whatever was separating them from being their best self.

And then, one day, I left that side of me behind.  I left her for my daughters father.  

Bittersweet is how she felt about my abandoning her to become weak.  

Bittersweet is how she felt... locked away in some other part of me... while she watched me endure the abuse.  

Artist Unknown

I'm happy to say that we're back together again...

But still, whenever I hear that song... I never forget how it felt to be separated from that part of me.

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