Friday, November 18, 2016

Well, that didn't go as I'd fucking hoped it would...

Fuck me... that was terrible.

From my belief that my new lover was 'the one'/'the healer' that I needed in my life and how that catastrophically imploded all the way to a girl in my husbands life who was almost successful in ending my marriage. This is after I saved her life, opened my home to her, offered to share my life and the love of my life with her, and basically wanted to love her as a sister for all time. The fucking bitch stabbed me right in the back and tried to take my husband from me.

She was unsuccessful in the end, but a karma-fuck-bomb needed to be dropped before I was able to turn the tide and win back Bran's love and devotion. He's still suffering the side effects of the bomb, but his turn around spared the lives of innocents.

The witch who dropped the bomb told me that Bran and I would be separated for awhile, but I'd have a soft place to land and some time in solitude to heal.


So, that parts actually doing really well.

See next entry.

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