
Relationship Type: Mentor=BDSM & D/s / Lover
PolyCule: Hannah-Cat
Status: Active

It's one thing to be a self-aware Goddess.

Now, to clarify, I don't demand worship. That's not my thing. I'm more about helping others find themselves and ascend as well. I don't want to be placed on a pedestal as this unattainable thing. I want to lift others up to be at my level.

However, Drogo... is another thing entirely. If any God deserves worship, it's him!

He's a God of patience, kindness, understanding, validation, acceptance, and most of all, SEX.

I never in my life could have imagined that I could meet someone who would inspire such deep levels of implicit trust out of me. Someone who could reach me on levels of intimacy that no one else ever had.


Drogo first came to my attention via a geeky group on social media. Ironically it was Iron who had started the thread inquiring about the crossover into the kinky community. Several of us responded and a sub-group of alliances formed with people who were both geeky and kinky.

He definitely caught my eye, but then I saw that his main kink-productive interest fell way below my age limit. So, I figured we weren't a match and I moved on, leaving him be.

Much to my surprise, he was the one who contacted me!

Apparently, I'd caught his eye as well. Though I didn't fall within his kink-productive age range, he was more than fine with me on a personal level.

Our mutual interest in each other matured rapidly and we soon set up a date to meet.

Fuck me...

Being in the presence of a God like him is so overwhelming at times. I fucking love worshiping his body by touching him and pleasuring him. I love the way he kisses me.

I exalt the way he's able to pull my hair and whisper 'mine' in my ear.

Words cannot even begin to express the intensity of the honor he bestowed upon me when he claimed me as his protege. 

Drogo is the first person in my long history who has ever gone public with me in regards to social media. I'm listed as being mentored by him on the kinky/fetish site. It just makes me swell with joy.

The trust I place in him is profound.

My body was able to reach a height of pleasure with him that had never been achieved before. Not with any other lover. Not even with the many trainers and mentors that I'd had when advancing as a sex mage.

I was able to have my first ever, partner assisted orgasm with Drogo.

He held me tight and made me cum for him.

No one else in my history can claim such a boast.

I'm very passionate about seeing how our relationship will continue to mature from here.


Noted above, PolyCule - Drogo's partner is Hannah-Cat, who has also developed a relationship of her own with me.

The three of us have entertained the notion of possibly dating as a triad, but we're taking it super slow.

For right now, Drogo is my Mentor and my lover.

I don't need it to be more.

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