
Relationship Type: Platonic Polyamourous Cuddle Buddy / Partner
See Also: Voltron: Green Paladin
Status: Active

Nolan and I met via a geeky group on social media. We quickly bonded over Supernatural and opened a dialog about potential cuddles.

It was one of those relationships that organically matured at an alarming rate of speed, and yet, neither Nolan nor I seemed to mind.

We discussed Polyamory, Pansexuality, and Platonic Love, soon identifying that our relationship fell within those guidelines. We both craved the attention of each others cuddles, but neither of us wanted the pressure of that relationship needing to be romantic or sexual.

Nolan was 'People'.

Nolan was one of MY People.

We were bonded already. That much was evident. I knew Nolan would go to war for me. I knew, even before we met in person, that I meant that much to him.

Something about that connection reminded me so much of this guilty pleasure show that I used to love the fuck out of. Not my usual show, that's for sure!! A drama. No supernatural elements or spooky things at all. Just a soapy DRAMA! But it was SOOO good!!

The show is Revenge.

I had always identified strongly with the main character, Emily Thorne, a wronged woman who has returned to her childhood home to take down the people who destroyed her life.

Emily Thorne has one, sometimes unwanted, and yet exceptionally valuable ally in Nolan Ross. The one person aware of her true identity and the real reason for her return.

Nolan Ross uses his particular skill set to assist Emily Thorne at every turn, despite her desire to face her challenges alone.

Nolan Ross would destroy worlds for Emily Thorne.

And that's exactly how I felt about My Nolan when we met. That I was his Emily and he was my greatest ally. Someone who would easily annihilate anything that would dare to threaten me.

My Nolan is my protector. My Cuddler. My friend.

We learn a lot from each other. We try to cuddle as often as we can, and I try to make it out to his game nights as often as possible too.

We're currently binging Revenge together. The series pilot opens with a quote about the concept of revenge: Before You Embark On A Journey Of Revenge, Dig Two Graves - Confucius. So, quite often, when Nolan and I have had a cuddle date, the blog date report will call it our 'Dig Two Graves'

I love the fuck out of my Nolan.

No, we don't dig actual graves.  :)

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