
The Voltron relationships are both simple and complex at the same time. Each component relationship is its own, separate, perfect, whole, POWERFUL entity. Each with its own properties, powers, and possibilities. - Yet, when I have all of these people together in my life at the same time. I power-up into this super-being... I become greater than the sum of my parts.

So, while each individual is critical as their own component, it's so much better when they all come together at the same time.

I'm going to work my way up from the bottom.

Yellow Paladin - Status: Unrevealed

The Yellow Paladin is very earthy. Acting as a sort of anchor, they keep me grounded. This is likely a sage advisor, or possibly someone who has become a type of engineer in my life. Helping me keep the rest of my parts in working order. The Yellow Lion works parallel with the Blue Lion, granting me greater stability and helping me function with solid ground to stand on. 
Blue Paladin - Status: Unrevealed 

The Blue Paladin is most likely feminine leaning. She's my emotional center, the guardian of my heart. The energy between us is very fluid, ebbing and flowing with our amourous connection. Sometimes she'll need me more. Sometimes I'll need her more. The Blue Lion is the counterpart of the Yellow Lion, also granting me stability with her capacity to bring me greater peace of mind.
Green Paladin - Status: Revealed (see also: Nolan)

The Green Paladin is my shield arm. My protector. They will also have have a strong 'healer' vibe with me. The Green Paladin is likely organic, understanding the natural flows of energies and their manipulations. There is a strong presence of safety and of trust. The Green Lion is an essential counterpart of the Red Lion. Red can not fully function without Green.
Red Paladin - Status: Unrevealed

The Red Paladin is my sword arm. My warrior. They are my inspiration to always keep fighting and to never give up. No matter what. The Red Paladin is likely methodical or regimented. Aware of the battlefields I must face, the Red Paladin helps me choose my targets and when to strike. Yet, the Red Lion will not function without the temperance of the Green Lion to help it draw its weapon and enter the conflict.
Black Paladin / Black Lion - Status: Revealed

This is me. I am at the head of the Voltron Force. 

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