Thursday, June 8, 2017

I might have a book cover soon...

Yes, I’m still watching Orange is the New Black.

Yes, it's still getting in the way of me doing pretty much everything else.

Fuck, I have no discipline.


I've been in contact with Shooter a little bit the last day or so. Unfortunately the photo's from our shoot didn't turn out, but he's been working on some 3D concept art, he's really good. He's hoping to come up with something for my Torvus book cover.

I’m glad to have him helping me.

Anyway… on with it…

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - I didn't even log into ARC or Forsaken World at all last night… I'm over it. I'm kinda back on yarn, but even that doesn't really hold my attention for long.

I'm pretty sure that most of my upcoming therapy is going to be potential sweeties making their in-person interviews.


Still not all that happy about it. But it's something I have to do.

 - Writing - I only took in crits yesterday. Since it was an INR day and I knew I wasn't going to be able to get to the writing. One guy was a total asshole. Completely missed the whole point of my story entirely. Just came right in and tried to rewrite the whole fucking thing.

Jeez… some people really need to get lives.

Probably getting back to chapter 19 today. Just need to tear myself away from Orange is the New Black long enough to do it. (shit)

 - Sleep / Fitbit - The Fitbit recorded my downtime on the couch as sleeping time. Granted I was kind of dozing off a bit due to all the popcorn that I ate. So, 11 hours 4 minutes, 5x awake, 27x restless, 70 minutes awake/restless.

 - Fur-babies - Nothing new to report.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Caffeine - I'll be fine with 3 cups today.

 - Blood Sugar - 111 this morning. I've figured out when and what I should be eating to keep the blood sugars where they should be.

 - INR - 2.8, which is exactly in goal range. The dosage on my blood thinners does not need to be adjusted.

 - Nervous System - The adjustment took well. The body definitely asked for a new one!! There was a tap on my right hip. So, that was strange. I see him again in two weeks.

 - Inflammation - It's really only my right calf that still hates me. I'll vacuum today.

 - Exercise/Yoga - Housework will get me some steps today. I'm still waiting until that right calf stops hating me before I go back to my exercises.

 - Weight Management - I've been feeling way to lazy to cook, so I've just been eating popcorn for dinner. Not that great in nutritional value… but also not that high in calories either. Maybe it will have an effect… maybe it won't… popcorn isn't exactly paleo.

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - I got to talk to him a little bit yesterday which was nice for a day off.

I don't know… it never feels like we have that much to say to each other. We just tell each other stories about our days. I like it when he tells me about things _she's_ done to piss him off.

Ugh… I don't know what else I could possibly say about this that I haven't already said.

He's there, I'm here, no end in sight…

I miss him.

 - The Unicorn - Nothing new to report.

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bio's there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters - Date tonight.

*sigh* whatever

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - Some package was delivered to me the other day, but it didn't get to me because I wasn't contacted to receive it (still no phone, so no working buzzer). The Blue Falcon and I are going to go retrieve it on Sunday and then there will be some snuggles.

I need the snuggles.

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - Nothing new to report.
 - The Hopefuls - Nothing new to report.

 -- Friday -- Nothing new to report.

 - Honorable Mentions - Nothing new to report.

End Notes:

I really don't have anything to say.

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