Friday, July 21, 2017

Blue Falcon Squee!!

Just a heads up that there's a Blue Falcon update.  :)  (like you couldn't have guessed that  :/  )

I feel pretty amazing today.

There's also been a shift in my 'Local Boys Only' rule.

Or, at least I think there has been. I really need to test it out on a few more non-locals before I'm sure. But, I may be looking at not limiting myself to just the local boys anymore. That would broaden my scope considerably.

I wholly blame Pathfinder for this.

I'm pretty sure that being with him has healed my 'long distance' rift.

I just don't want to get ahead of myself. It needs to be tested before I'll be sure.

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - I'm still managing to stay away from games and their enormous time sucking, but I'm also not getting off the sofa either. It's been all horror movies all the time. Like I can't wait to finish doing the bare minimum of tasks just so I can shut down and then really just shut the fuck down. I seem to be operating on less and less mental/physical energy every day.

This is not good.

Then again I might just be in post-meltdown reboot. That generous dead space before systems start coming back on line one by one. It would make sense… there was that meltdown that wasn't a meltdown, so a reboot is within the realm of possibility.

Doesn't make it suck any less.

At least I'm not in pain anymore. So, that's a huge plus!

 - Writing - I finished up the Ghost Story: My Valkyrie yesterday. I wrote the most beautiful sex scene for Pathfinder. I pulled in a lot of the elements from our actual sexual encounter last Monday. It was a perfect place to close out the narrative too, so I did. That made the story only about 2K in length. It's quite good. I might even polish that one and submit it to Scribophile at some point.

Pathfinder read it and loved it. He says that's the first time he's been featured in someone's work.

I'm really proud of it. It felt very complete to me. I’m glad I wrote it.

 - Sleep / Fitbit - Battery died on me, so no sleep report.

 - Fur-babies - Nothing new to report.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Blood Sugar - 132

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - I've been sitting here for awhile trying to think of something to write about concerning Bran, and really, I've got nothing. There's just nothing new. Nothing worth reporting on.


I’m sorry.

 - The Unicorn - Nothing new to report.

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bio's there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters - Date today, I'll tell you how it goes.

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - OMG OMG OMG!!!

*tail wag*

So I was just sitting at home, waiting on things to happen when I got a random text from the Blue Falcon asking how I was. We shared the small talk and then he asked if I'd like to hang out after he was done with work. "FUCK YES!" I replied. Then I apologized for my exuberance and told him that I missed him. "Same" he types back to me.

He picked me up and we made a Costco run. There were some things he needed. But we did dinner there. It was on the tip of my tongue to ask about the 'just friends vs. sweetie' thing, but I just couldn't ask… I was so afraid of the answer. So we just drove and he told me about all the recent drama in his life. I shared with him how I was doing with potential sweeties, dates, and writing.

While we ate we discussed what we were going to do for the rest of the date because he wasn't sure how long he was going to hang around. He admitted that if he didn't already have things to do in my area I wouldn't have heard from him. I suggested a movie and he said he'd totally make time for that. I asked where we should watch it because of the heat. In the living room with the AC or in the bedroom so we could cuddle.

He was so down with cuddles. He was VERY CLEAR. He wanted cuddles.

PHEW! I'm thinking. Okay! Cuddles are still on the menu! (now are they naked? And are we still kissing and having sex?)

But then he said that the Chromebook might be a little difficult if cuddles matured and we wanted to get 'handsy'.

HANDSY!! - That sure as hell sounds naked to me!

I told him that we could just set the Chrombook aside if we wanted to just pause the movie and get 'handsy'.

He agreed that was an option.

We finished eating and then stopped by the pumps so he could fill his car with gas.

As we were pulling out of the gas station he said something about missing me and then HE reached over and HELD MY HAND!!


Okay, I know the Blue Falcon has NEVER had any trouble initiating touch when he wanted it. But at this point I still hadn't asked for clarification on Friend vs. Sweetie, so ANY contact initiated by him was GOOD CONTACT.

We got back to my place and proceeded to the bedroom for snuggles. He stripped down to his T-Shirt and boxers. I stripped down to my tank top and leggings. He got his arm around me and we got the Chrombook balanced between us.

He pealed the edge of my tank top up and said I felt a little sweaty. Then he asked if I'd like to take more layers off.


Okay… commence naked…

We didn't exactly return to snuggles.

He pretty much jumped me and fucked me stupid.

It was like, the best sex ever… (even though I couldn't breathe near the end with him on top of me).

He was just so loving.

As we were moving into position and he was touching and kissing me, he told me how much he'd MISSED THAT… exactly that… just being with me. Being naked. Attacking me and getting me wet for him and then fucking the hell out of me.

His kisses were so passionate and there were several times during the sex it self where he planted the most tender kisses right on my forehead.

Ye Gods… the blessing it was to be fucked by the Blue Falcon…

He was getting overheated and close to stopping. I told him I wanted him to cum… so he pounded the hell out of me until he came.

I told him that it was the most amazing sex and I thanked him whole heartedly.

He said he didn't think it was all that special, and then I explained why it was. I told him about my fears regarding the friend vs. sweetie thing and we cleared the air. It turns out he had his wires crossed on what exactly a sweetie is. He thought they were more serious/romantic and he didn't feel our relationship was there. So, he was in the wrong. By my definitions he's still the perfect sweetie.

He apologized for scaring me and said I should have asked him sooner. I just explained that I'd been too afraid to and I thanked him again for putting my mind at ease with the generous fucking.

Then we watched Cabin in the Woods.

Then it was late for him and he needed to move on.

But still!!!


The Blue Falcon is still my Favorite Sweetie!

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - I’m still hoping to hear back from mister Monday Night and the Foot Fetish guy… I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

 - The Hopefuls - I’m chit chatting with some other potentials. No dates scheduled yet. We'll see how it goes.

 - Honorable Mentions - Nothing new to report.

End Notes:

Today I'm just happy…

The Blue Falcon is still with me.

Today is a good day!

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