Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Warrior, Healer, Screamer...

Well holy fuck god damn… it's been an interesting few days…

I told you I wasn't worried. I knew the Ghost Stories would evoke the right lovers eventually. My conjure and command did not disappoint. All I needed was patience and faith in my gift. I knew I'd call something , and call I did.

But we'll get to that.

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - My one day break from the Sims has proved fruitful, I was able to quit the game.

I think I need to shy away from games as a form of therapy. They just end up being constant grind time sucks when I could be doing something way more productive.

Granted, productive is _not_ happening. I spend most of my time camped out on the sofa and watching horror movies. I don't even knit.

I know, I know… I'm still in my cocoon.

Eventually I'll be ready to emerge, whole and ready to create again… it's just going to take time.

I have a new beta reader on Torvus. The kind that can really light a fire under my ass. Hopefully the muse will be sparked sometime soon.

 - Writing - I continue to pick away at the Ghost Stories whenever the Unicorn isn't with me. I'm hoping to wrap up After the Eclipse today and I want to get back to writing After Hours, but recent events have inspired me to write about a Valkyrie and her soldier. So, I have no idea what's going to spill out of me today.

I think I need to head over to Fet and research sex scenes, though. I feel like mine are just starting to get too repetitive in the Ghost Stories. I know what I like and what I like is pretty simple. I think I need to broaden myself out into what I might enjoy in fantasy rather than writing what I know I enjoy in truth.

Or, maybe I should ask around on that one?

Since it is my sexual fantasy blog? Should I be writing for an audience, or should I be writing for me?

Good question.

 - Sleep / Fitbit - 8 hours 27 minutes, 1x awake, 16x restless, total of 32 minutes awake/restless. Not bad at all!!

 - Fur-babies - I randomly ended the Fur-baby dry spell yesterday. Someone was leaving my apartment early in the morning just as the kitties were coming in from their walk and Dreamy just sauntered right in. Splotches joined him soon after. So, hopefully that sorts out whatever's been keeping them away.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Blood Sugar - I don't know why I skipped testing this morning… it should have been fine.

 - Exercise/Yoga - I _really_ need to find some motivation here… I just have no idea where to pull it from.

 - Weight Management - My weight loss doctor ended up being out for our appointment today. We're rescheduled out for September. That's actually good news as I can HOPE that Bran might be back by then and I might be back on my proper paleo diet. (grump)

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - Still no good news.

I'm still in my own private hell without him.

Recent sweeties have eased the pain considerably, but the hurt is still there.

There are some things to be happy about, though:

There's been enough time and distance that I've forgiven him for everything that happened with _her_. And recent events (the way he talks about her) have helped me to realize that he sees her truth now. He sees her for what she is and he fucking hates her more than I do right now.

He doesn't do anything to be nice to her. Most nights he intentionally upsets her so she'll sleep in the living room and he can have the bed to himself.

*sigh* He's back to being mine again.

Now I just wish he'd come home.

I miss him so much.

 - The Unicorn - So soon after that brilliantly wonderful staycation, I got to have her for a weekend again. Yes, much Buffy/Angel was watched. We're almost up to the season finales for Buffy-5 and Angel-2.

I was able to treat her to something else too.

Friday night I connected with someone new on OKC, and right away I knew he was spiritually *open*, and also, he fucking loves offspring. So, by Saturday I was actually inviting him over to spend the night just so he could meet the Unicorn. I wanted her to have someone to talk to about her spiritual side that wasn't me and she LOVED it! She enjoyed meeting him so much.

Unfortunately he got to us very late in the evening and he was tired from a long day. So they didn't get to chat for very long. Sunday morning he ended up having to leave right away instead of spending the day with her like he'd wanted to.

She was very heartbroken.

I feel very sad over this.

Somehow I need to adjust my call to pull a special kind of lover towards me. Not just someone who can fulfill my needs, but someone that she can talk to as well.

This one won't be coming back any time soon. He has other obligations that will have him far out of state and soon probably far out of country.

Sometime he might come back, and we can hope for that. Both the Unicorn and I have our reasons for loving him and wanting him to visit again, but only time will tell when that might be a reality and not just a desire floated into the wind.

In the meantime… I really really need to call more spiritual men towards me.

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bio's there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters - Oh, here we go!

His code name is Pathfinder. And yes, I know I'm breaking the rules by giving him a code name before a second date, but this one is special and he was worth the exception to a LOT of rules. Especially the 'only in town for one weekend / long distance relationship' rule.

Yeah, he exceptioned the hell out of that rule.

Pathfinder is a soldier. He's on temporary leave from basic training, normally lives in another state and was only in my area for the weekend, but OKC uses the GPS on our phones to suggest matches, otherwise he NEVER would have popped up on my radar.

But, from the moment I read his profile, I knew I needed to know him. I knew I wanted him in my life, so I said hello.

He read my profile and the feeling became quickly mutual. I appealed strongly to the sapiosexual in him.

One of the things he loved the most about me was my strength in juxtaposition with my submission. He's not the kind of Dominant that gets scared away by a strong women. No, he runs towards them.

He's also not the kind of Dominant that seeks to 'break' a strong women and turn her meek and useless. No, not at all.

He just wants to feel something strong surrender in his grip. He wants to feel the power of knowing he's holding something deadly in his hands and making it his.

You see where I'm going with this?

Yeah, he's fucking perfect!

He's exactly the kind of Dominant I crave.

He won my trust almost instantly… before I even met him in person, I trusted him completely. Bending to him without breaking came as easy as breathing.

More than that… he saw me.

He saw my true face.

Also before the in-person meeting.

He knew what I was from just words on a screen.

He saw my pictures on OKC. He saw the fire and the fury in my eyes. He called me a Valkyrie because of the way I scare away those that don't have the courage to come to my side.

He saw me.

Warrior, Healer, Screamer.

    - 1) good company: Like I said, he got to us kind of late. But he was a total sweetheart and picked me up a couple cans of coconut milk to salvage my coconut curry rice. He also brought me flowers which sent me scurrying about trying to find something to put them in! I finally found my old, dented, Kleen Kanteen water bottle and they're on my kitchen table in there now. But, I mean! FLOWERS! He brought me flowers. I can't even remember the last time someone did something that sweet for me.

He sat on the sopha with me and I held his hand. We kept things pretty chaste because the Unicorn was there. It was nice to just sit and chat and be close to him.

    - 2) good conversation: I mostly let the Unicorn dominate the conversation, since at that time I'd brought him there more for her than for me. He shared with us the reasons why he believes in the things that he can't see. It's not because of anything that's happened to him, but because of something that happened to a loved one of his. He also shared with us the reasons why he won't kill any living thing and I ended up telling him the story behind Larry, my pet scarab. (no, not a living dung beetle, but a small carving that came out of a dig in Egypt).

Unfortunately the conversation didn't last long because it had been a very long day for him and he did need rest.

Sadly, as well… as I mentioned before, he ended up being called away from us on Sunday and they never got to continue their conversation.

    - 3) good snuggles: Once we were in 'non-Unicorn' space, cuddles did commence.

He loves my touch. He calls my hands 'Magic'…

I wish I could say that’s new, LOL. But it totally isn't. I get that a LOT. Men just seem to soak up the ways that I touch them.

Snuggles don't last long with Pathfinder, though…

    - 4) good sex: Ye Gods… where do I even start?

He read my erotica blog (the Ghost Stories) just to research how I love to be fucked. That's like, one of my hottest turn ons right there. Any guy who researches me? Oh fuck yeah, I'm so there.

Knowing that the Unicorn was sleeping right out in the living room was supposed to keep us chaste. Pfft! Yeah, like that was going to work. Pathfinder had us both naked so fast, and then he was finding out just how wet I can get. He loved tasting me and then kissing me after. I loved the way he pulled my hair and forced my mouth down over his cock too.

I wasn't so much a fan of the choking, though. He did it just a little too hard. I've only ever liked the choking with one partner and I think the 'like' will probably be unique to that one partner, but I’m not upset that Pathfinder tested that limit with me.

The sex was amazing… I just couldn't be as loud as I normally am because of the Unicorn. But, I loved having him inside me. I loved surrendering to him. I loved the way he kissed, the way he touched, the way he loved my claws on his skin…


Monday morning he contacted me and apologized for never making it back on Sunday. He also said that he felt I helped him in some way. I asked him to explain and he said he'd have to tell me in person. He asked if he could come over, I said yes. He asked if he could take a shower, also (of course), yes. I even made sure he got some coffee in him.

He sat wrapped in a towel on the edge of my bed and explained what happened to him. It was _not good_... But somehow he came out of it unharmed. He believes it was the Valkyrie watching over him that saved him.

I'm not denying for a second that it's a possibility because, and I’m not scared to admit this, I’m already very much in love with Pathfinder. The kind of trust and surrender that I can experience with him doesn't come without the consequences of love. It's not the kind of love that's going to make me super clingy or obsessed or anything. But it's most definitely the kind of love that will have me watching over him forever. He will always be under my protection. I'm his Valkyrie now. That makes him just as much mine as I am his.

I had him slide back onto the bed so we could cuddle. We wrapped our arms tightly around each other and I told him that I believe my love for him extends past the bedroom. He didn't seem to mind.

And then we were naked and fucking, LOL.

He held my knees up over his arms and pinned me down by the wrists while he pounded the holy mother-fuck out of me… then he found out just how loud I can scream.

Back to snuggles, he tells me that I even scream like a Valkryie.


He wanted more time with me… it was mutual… but he had to go.

I know I'll see him again.

And I know we're bound now. This is the kind of love that doesn't recognize time and distance. Whenever he comes back we'll just pick up right where we left off. I will never miss him because I will always feel him with me.

And he will always know that I'm watching over him.

 - Recent Encounters - No code name yet, waiting on second date for this one. We found each other on OKC. He's a GOOD CUB.

    - 1) good company: He came over to watch a horror movie with me.  :)  A man after my own heart. Someone who will snuggle and watch a horror movie. Just yesterday morning I'd heard about a new 'Instant Cult  Classic' that had hit Netflix. 'The Void' was supposed to call out to Lovecraft, King, and Barker and I tell you it did NOT disappoint.

My charming companion LOVED the white chocolate popcorn but Netflix was being fussy on the TV, so when it was clear that we were both done with the popcorn I suggested a change in venue and we headed into the bedroom to finish out the movie.

    - 2) good conversation: After the movie we enjoyed some great conversation. Earlier (during the popcorn making) I'd filled him in about Bran. After the movie I told him about the Blue Falcon and Pathfinder. I told him about the guy who wants to worship my feet too. He seemed to really enjoy hearing about my other cubs. I guess it told him a lot about me or something.

    - 3) good snuggles: He was truly an amazing snuggler. And he commented on how much he loved my claws on his skin. He found it very relaxing and said I was putting him to sleep.


I'm getting good at claws.

    - 4) good sex: We actually held off on sex! He prefers to NOT have sex right away, so it just kind of worked out to our advantage that I'm in the middle of my blood moon. It gave him a reason to not be seduced by my touch.

Now I just REALLY HOPE that he stays true to his word and that I see him again.

*crossing fingers*looks up* Pretty please, oh High Ones? Let this one be a regular? Let me have something to get me through now that the Blue Falcon is backing off a bit?

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - Speaking of…

Not much to say here. He's been busy, and tired, and busy…


August is soon, though…

Once he's all unpacked and settled, I’m sure we'll get back into a routine again.

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - Foot worship guy has also requested cream pie. Bran has given me full dominion over my own body. I just need to be tested and treated for anything nasty before he comes home if something bad happens. 


I can live with that.

 - The Hopefuls - Some large cock tag team action that was supposed to happen this week doesn't appear to be going down after all… I'm mildly disappointed here. I was really looking forward to that. It would have been great research for a Ghost Story.

 - Honorable Mentions - Nothing new to report.

End Notes:

Sorry about the length of this entry… I know I gave you a lot to chew on, so I’m just going to close and say good day to you now.  :)

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