Saturday, July 22, 2017

Loving Dynamics:

I really love this dynamic that I have with Pathfinder. He feels the same. In fact those were the exact words he used last night.

I'm a bit worried about him, though. He had to do something totally necessary, but a bit unsavory. Something that is truly for the best of all involved, but something that's going to make him feel like he's a bad person.

I did my best to reassure him of how truly amazing he is. I hope some of it sunk in.

He saw my true face and he didn't run away.

He ran towards me.

Only the strongest and most noble can survive such a thing.

I hope he sees that. I hope he understands how magnificent he is.

He's my Warrior and I'm his Valkyrie.


Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - I'm still managing to avoid the time sucks… but avoiding the sofa? Not so much. I'm wasting my Scribophile premium. I haven't critiqued anything in weeks. I just keep putting it off. I need one good solid day in front of my computer where I have nothing else going on and I can try to motivate myself to get some more real work done. The therapy isn't just about the writing. It's the fully emersion into the culture of the writer/author and I'm failing in that emersion.

 - Writing - Two sex scenes in two days. I managed to close out After the Eclipse yesterday.  :)  I have at least one reader who really liked it, so I'm happy. There will be no Ghost Story installment today, though. I HAVE A DATE!! - The Blue Falcon will be here before I’m even fully done with coffee and we're heading out to the Farmer's Market.

We'll see what tomorrow brings… I know I need to work on After Hours. So hopefully I can work on that one some more.

 - Sleep / Fitbit - The Fitbit is all whack this morning. It's saying I was asleep between the hours of 7:48 pm and 5:10 am… I get the bedtime, it pulled in from where I was falling asleep in front of the TV, but being awake that fucking early? NO WAY!

 - Fur-babies - Nothing new to report.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Exercise/Yoga - At least I know I'll hit my step goal today…  :/

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - We actually have some pretty great news here!! Or, at the very least it's a step in the right direction! Bran was offered full-time at the job he left for. The one he wanted to elevate his career in! This is GREAT NEWS. This makes him more transferrable and he's one step closer to coming home!

Now, it's a shift that he's not happy with, but he'll survive. He has to start work at 5:30 in the oh dear god is that the sun morning.

That does suck.

But it also gives me a giggle because now _she_ has literally NOTHING to bitch about when it comes to the abominations. They're entirely her problem now. He's free and clear to have no involvement with them at all.

He's going to be making more money too.

I'm not saying I want her to leave him, because I know that would make it a lot harder for him to pay the bills and save up to come home.

But, I'm pretty happy that this will make her even more miserable.

 - The Unicorn - Nothing new to report.

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bio's there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters - I was supposed to have a date with this really intense Alpha yesterday.

What fucking ever, dude.

Evidently he was all talk.

About the time I was getting ready for him to come over he told me he had to run a couple of errands and that he'd message me when he was done.

I never heard back from him the entire day.

I’m so fucking tempted to block him but I'm giving him the benefit of a doubt. Maybe he had a good reason for ditching me or whatever.

I don't fucking care.

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - SQUEE!!

He's going to be here in an hour and a half!  We're hitting the Farmers Market this morning! Just the two of us.

Oh, I hope this is followed by naked cuddles!

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - So, I messaged my Monday night guy, just checking in. No response. I'm sad to say that this one might have been a one and done too. :(

 - The Hopefuls - There's this really bright star who's reading my Ghost Stories and loving them. He's a strong candidate for a Sweetie/Cub. He really wants to learn a lot about how to be a great lover and I would love to help him.

 - Honorable Mentions - Nothing from Foot Fetish Guy lately either… meh… him I could go either way on.

End Notes:

I’m officially moving the Dragon and Pathfinder into the Sweetie box. Both have survived second dates and requested thirds, and those are technically the only qualifications for Sweetieship. We might be separated by time, distance, and busy schedules. But I know I'll see them when they're available.

They're both good men who will be there for me when they can be. They deserve the honor of the title.

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