Monday, July 10, 2017

The Unicorn Made Me Do It...

Yeah, I know. It's been awhile.

I had the Unicorn with me for a 10 day Staycation and it was fucking AMAZING. We had a lot of fun watching Buffy/Angel and we saw the Blue Falcon a lot. I had an amazing birthday too. It's all been good.

I had to say goodbye to her last night and send her back to her dad and that was really hard after I'd really gotten used to having her around. I miss her so much.

But, I get to spend the last two weeks of August with her. The only real challenge is feeding her. She needs a lot of meat protein and that gets expensive after a bit.

I’m trying to keep this entry short, even though there's a lot to report on.

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - I had to break the unfortunate news to Valkyrie about Supernatural ending after Season 14. Truthfully we both kind of agreed that it was sort of coming with the way that Season 12 was a giant flop. You just can't top God's sister as a big bad and just where is the show without Crowley anyway?

This also brings me back to my theory that the 'You Are Not Alone' campaign was created to get us through the series ending.

It was blasphemy when I said it, but now I know that's what we're dealing with. So, it doesn't sound as insane anymore.


As for the therapy end, I'm still okay since the Dragon's visit…

Not writing Torvus level okay… but Ghost Story level okay… which will bring me back to Torvus, eventually…

One would hope.

 - Writing - Like I said… I’m not ready to jump back into Torvus yet. But I do have a new Ghost Story brewing in my mind. This one inspired by the Blue Falcon. So I think I’m going to shelf After Hours for a little bit and deviate onto After the Eclipse (not written yet).

Other than that, I really need to get in and start reading the crits that have been posted on Torvus… maybe that will get me going a little bit.

 - Sleep / Fitbit - The battery died, so I got nothing.

 - Fur-babies - I just realized they didn't come over once the entire time the Unicorn was with me… that should have seriously had me and her bummed… Next time I have to call Catmom to bring them over!

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Blood Sugar - 129 - I need to do the popcorn for dinner more.

 - INR - It's been really good lately… no additional puncture wounds necessary.

 - Nervous System - This has been so good that I haven't needed to be adjusted more than twice a month!!

 - Inflammation - Feel like I’m starting to run low on Turmeric again… I should expense that for next month.

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - We're about 5 days away from hitting the 10 month mark.

I told Valkyrie that I've been feeling it for awhile now… that I feel like he's going to be gone a year, just for the sake of symmetry. This would also fall in line with the nature of basic witchery and karma-fuck-bombs. Magick like that would test us for a year and a day… So, 366 days for us to live in our own separate hells and realize what we missed out on being together.

Granted, I was promised a gentler hell, and I've received it. Bran really isn't so lucky.

_She_ was just gone for the majority of the last few days, taking her rancid hell spawn with her. Bran relaxed in that peace and quiet a LOT. So, now he realizes just how taxing her presence is and he knows the hell he's inflicted on himself for the sake of a little spare cash.

Whatever. It's his fucking choice.

All I know is that every second with her only increases his animosity towards her, so I have no reason to complain anymore.

He may not be physically with me, but he's mine again and that's what matters.

 - The Unicorn - Ye Gods, we had so much fun.

I can't remember dates or even days, but the Blue Falcon took her fossil digging - big 5 hour round road trip to do it too. She was so fucking excited and they came back with some really awesome finds too.

We had a great time on my birthday.

Yesterday he took us to the Farmers Market and they both came back with bird whistles. It was super cute.

The three of us have been watching Moribito. The Blue Falcon isn't impressed with it yet… but we're hoping he'll get there.

On our own, the Unicorn and I continued to enjoy a lot of Buffy/Angel, but also separated off to do our own things too. I fed her lots of meat, which she really enjoyed.

I also taught her how to shave her arm pits and make her own basted eggs.

I get to have her again this coming weekend.

I’m really looking forward to seeing her again.

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bio's there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters - Nothing new to report.

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - Something has me a bit worried.

Our latest cuddle session before the Staycation, he told me that he's felt a shift more towards 'just friends'… I haven't had a chance to get him alone enough to ask just what the hell he meant by that. But he said he doesn't feel like a sweetie anymore.

He still seems okay with snuggles and physical contact… but I'm not sure if it's still clothing optional or if kisses and coitus are still on the menu.

I hope I get to talk to him about it soon.

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - Nothing…
 - The Hopefuls - … new to…
 - Honorable Mentions - … report.

End Notes:

I have my Spotify radio set to Babymetal this morning and it's all the Blue Falcons fault.

Somehow I know he wouldn't mind taking the full blame for this.

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