Thursday, July 13, 2017

I'm okay with that...

I really shouldn't be surprised that the Ghost Stories are continuing to call potentials towards me. I'm a self-aware Goddess after all. I know my power. Sometimes it just takes me a little while to figure it out and learn the best ways to use it, but eventually I do figure it out.

First there was the Dragon showing up out of nowhere and erasing that black hole of emotional need from my systems… and now it seems that every time I write, I have a new person messaging me, ready to meet up.

They're not all perfect, of course. Like the guy earlier this week who couldn't carry a conversation in a bucket, but the sex was great. I've decided NOT to write him off!! I reminded myself that he's Military/Law Enforcement and he's probably seen some shit. It just might take him some time to open up. So, I'm going to try to see him again and make a sweetie of some sort out of him. I think he deserves that.

And, speaking of deserving potentials. There's this other guy I started chatting with. How we got to discussing sex so quickly I'll never understand, but he makes me feel safe. He's very respectful of boundaries and I just don't get the 'used' vibe from him. Apparently he's well endowed and aggressive and we all know how badly I do need that.

Then he tells me he has this friend who's even more endowed than he is… like 'gets rejected' level endowed because girls try to take him and then find out they can't handle it. Oh… my heart just broke for him.

So, now there's talk of just skipping the pleasantries of a movie and build up altogether and proceeding directly to these two tag teaming me.

<sarcasm> Oh… ouch… listen to me complain… </sarcasm>

Yeah, you want to take a half starved succubus and give her a double dose of strong masculine energy for an evening.

We're more than okay with that.

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - Nothing really new here except I'm anxious to tell Valkyrie about this tag team event. It should be happening just after my next session with her. It's going to totally blow her mind when she realizes what I've called to me this time.

 - Writing - Got that sex scene down yesterday! LOL, lo and behold - I get roped into agreeing to a tag team event… you see how this all works out?

 - Sleep / Fitbit - 7 hours 39 minutes, 2x awake, 10x restless, total of 29 minutes awake/restless.

 - Fur-babies - I'm starting to worry about these fur-babies… I haven't seen them in awhile!

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Blood Sugar - 124 (popcorn for dinner)

 - Weight Management - I’m still doing the egg in the ramen and loving the crap out of it…

Fuck… I'm never losing weight.

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - Nothing really new here either. His birthday was yesterday and his main goal was to make it back to the cities before that date. So, I'm not sure how he feels about that goal being thwarted.

We're both just getting through this on a pure day-by-day basis.

It's just the same shit every day… nothing changes and there's no indication of when or if he'll ever come home.

It hurts… but it seems survivable… for now.

 - The Unicorn - Nothing new to report.

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bio's there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters -  I was supposed to have a Supernatural Marathon date yesterday, but it didn't happen. I think my date got his days mixed up.

I do have a very short date today. This one doesn't have a code name yet, but I need to figure one out for him soon because today is our second date.

My dates with him are short… just over his lunch break. And they're not for me. They're for him. He's in need of healing and I’m here to grant it to him.

I'm okay with this.


 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - I let him know that this weekend is a Unicorn weekend and he said he's very busy. I told him there's no pressure and that we understand if he can't come over. She'll survive a weekend without him.

I really want answers.

And I really don't want answers.

And I really hope some of these other guys work out as good sweeties to replace the Blue Falcon if he and I are done.

*sad sigh*

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - Date today… I get to be a healer.

 - The Hopefuls - Big cock tag team event next week. Should be interesting.

 - Honorable Mentions - Crazy as it sounds, I'm actually looking forward to seeing 'no conversation' guy again. Now that I just have this sense of him being closed off because he's a warrior… I think I’m getting that old 'channel the Goddess' sex mage vibe with him. Like he needs sexual healing too.

I'm okay with that.

End Notes:

I think I'm going to be okay.

I just need to keep writing Ghost Stories and taking the Blue Falcon's advice about 'sex first - relationship after' and I'll be okay.

I know I can survive this.

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