Saturday, July 29, 2017

Whatever… I'm patient.

"Good morning. The oracle guarded the Apple of eden and from time to time treasure hunters would show up on her mountain. Pretending to want a word on their future but truly only seeking one lick of the apple. She was not a miser with her gifts. But with the revelation came the cry. It's her cry (her most powerful gift) that scared away the faint of the heart. The world was torn between knights and foot soldiers. A foot soldier seeks not the perpetual bliss that the Apple shall grant him, but only the minute of fame the Apple could bestow. A true knight could get through the oracle rather than trying to get past her. The oracle must persevere for hers is the most noble of duties. Hers is the the most powerful seat in the realm of the mortals. And it is her job (which she willingly has chosen) to deliver to the heavens only the finest of souls."

Pathfinder wrote that for me yesterday morning… then he moved on to clarify what it meant. He was soothing me and my hurt feelings over Fuckwad rejecting me.

I get it.

I'm grateful to Pathfinder. It did ease the hurt a little bit. But, like I said, it's still going to sting a bit for a couple of days. My standard bounce back is 48 hours and I'm about due for the 'getting over it'. Pretty soon I'll be saying F'uckwad who?'


In other news, my date for last night fell through. It's okay. I totally understand that he's got this huge project that he's working on and these are literally the worst 3 weeks to try dating him. So, I'm just going to let him focus and stay on the back burner until he's ready.

This one needs some loving touch.

And he's super artistic/eccentric too… read as: INTENSE!

Maybe even intense enough to put up with my special brand of bat shit crazy? Who knows. But I'm looking forward to finding out.


Loose plans were made a bit ago for a second date with someone today, but I've not heard from him. :/ - so, no idea if he's coming back to collect or not. This one's not a fuckwad, though. He's got a lot of personal issues and should probably be in some sort of therapy or on some sort of medication, or very well he should be doing both… but he's just trying to stick it out on his own. So, chances are he's just hiding in some sort of breakdown 'dead space' and I'll hear from him when he decides to poke his head out again.

Whatever… I'm patient.

I've got work to do today anyway.

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - / - Writing - I made it through two crits on Torvus yesterday before I hit brain melt and had to retire to my comfy couch and horror movies. I really need a code name for this critiquer, because he's awesome and we're a lot alike, so he really gets me and understands what I'm going for, so his emotional reactions to the text are fucking perfect.

Wait!! I've got it!! His code name is Geminae! Latin for TWIN! (he seriously is another me… we have so much in common it's scary)

Anyway. Geminae gives great crit and I can't wait to get back to his thoughts… but it seems my brain can only take in so much before it's ready to shut down.

I hope I can take in more today, but we'll see.

 - Sleep / Fitbit - 8 hours 24 minutes, 3x awake, 17x restless, 37 minutes awake/restless. - it would be really nice to not lose so much sleep in the middle of the night… but this seems to be adequate rest for me. I perk up pretty fast once I get the caffeine going.

 - Fur-babies - Splotches dropped by yesteray. Catmom says he came in from outside and came straight to my door. He did not request snuggles, though. If anything he just seemed really agitated for some reason. Not sure what was up with him, but he definitely didn't seem happy.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

Stop judging me.

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - We only talked once yesterday. He called me on his commute in, but not on his commute out.


Things are bad… Bites are being taken out of his bank account and he's not able to compensate for the huge chunks of his money that are suddenly disappearing.

This is bad.

The whole point of going up north (aside from the career move) was to get out of debt. But, now he's hemorrhaging funds just as badly as when he was with me. This could mean that he won't even have the money to come home once a position opens up.

It sure as hell means that paying the Blue Falcon back isn't going to happen any time soon.

Fuck me.

 - The Unicorn - Nothing new to report.

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bio's there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters - Nothing new to report.

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - I saw him for all of two minutes yesterday. We even forgot to hug. He was just dropping by to pick up some boxes that I'd saved for him to help with his move. The second he graced my company he went on about how busy he was, so I didn't keep him, even though I really wanted to.

Our time will come soon enough.

Once he's done settling in… I know he'll take a few breaths and realize he misses me.

Naked cuddles and other crazy antics will ensue.

LOL… I love him so fucking much.

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - So, I'm really not expecting that second date today, and I’m okay with that.

 - The Hopefuls - Mr. Intense will take a few weeks before he can get to me… and then we'll find out how strong he really is.

 - Honorable Mentions - I have to ask myself if I really learned anything from Fuckwad or from my experience in being rejected by him. I mean, on the one hand, ow. Yes, there is that… but, on the other hand, he wasn't all that aggressive. He talked a good game, but he was kinda tame when it came right down to it.

*shrug* Whatever…

End Notes:

So, that leads me to the inevitable "Am I all that _hopeful_ about anyone?"

The last time I got hit with a long line of one-night-stands I dropped into an Apathy Squared head space where I was so accustomed to disappointment that I couldn't get even remotely excited about anyone. I literally reached the point where I didn't even care that I didn't care.

I really want to hit some sort of happy medium there.

I'd like to get excited about a guy, but then not be crushed when he disappoints me.

Take it or leave it, a girl can only handle being crushed so many times, you know?

Pathfinder did a good job of renewing my faith in men… but the guys since Pathfinder have been kinda… blah…

Where can  I hold onto the hope without loosing it every time someone hurts me?

I don't think the answer on that one is going to come to me any time soon.

Whatever… I'm patient.

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