Monday, July 24, 2017

The Virgin Goddess... (Temple Whore)

I’m not exactly sure how this keeps happening, but I seem to find myself playing 'Therapist' once in awhile. It's happened with Jasper more than once, and usually when he was worried that he was overreacting when something happened with HLS.

I've also been helping Pathfinder work through something now too.

The Unicorn comes to me quite a bit, but that's to be expected. She *is* my spawn after all.

I don't know what it is about me… but for some reason I'm becoming this 'go to' person when someone is stuck.

It almost reminds me of that Spook Squad I ran in high school, were I was able to tap into the latent psychic abilities of my peers and I could teach them how to use them. Even if it wasn't an ability that I possessed, I could still teach them how.

Here I am, barely holding my own shit together, and I’m giving other people advice on how to work through their issues.

I don't mind!!!

Really, not one bit!!!

Honestly I think it's just the years of therapy that I have under my belt that gives me all this insight into the problems of others. I know I can help them if they'll listen and take my advice.

I love both Jasper and Pathfinder dearly and I'm both proud and honored that they feel comfortable coming to me when they're having trouble.

Actually… I think it's also the role of the Virgin Goddess… the temple whore. These are my lovers and I'm there to purify and heal them. Not just through sex, but as an oracle. I give them wise council.

That's why they come to me…

I’m just glad I can help.

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - I'm working really hard on the reboot. Yesterday I was able to write a critique on Scribophile. One of my favorite authors had posted a new/revised chapter that I was dying to read. I didn't have it in me to read one of the critiques posted for Torvus, but I'm hoping I can get that far today.

My only real fear here is that in the last half of August the Unicorn is going to be with me for two weeks. So, I might end up spending a lot of time trying to win back my productivity just to have it tank again.


Who knows.

 - Writing - I closed out After Hours with another sex scene yesterday. So, that makes 3 Ghost Story installments in a row that have been sex scenes. I'm worried that I’m running out of steam to make the sex scenes new and interesting, but then again, these are my fantasies. So, I think that gives me creative license to be a bit basic (read as: boring as fuck).

Either way, I seem to have an audience. One of these days someone might actually leave a comment. Right now I just can't tell who's reading and who's not, but according to the traffic readings I'm getting about 50 hits a day. Now, I know two or three of those are generated by me from cross posting everything to social media. But the rest of it is all organic. Most of it coming from the links I've posted on Facebook.

I know that some of my current and potential sweeties are checking out the work… but who else?

I'm a bit nervous about it.

Some of the people I know on Facebook I really, actually KNOW. Most of them from the local Poly community. Part of me wants to be embarrassed over being naughty. The rest of me just says 'Nuh uh, let your freak flag fly, woman!'

I think it's pretty obvious which voice I'm listening to.

 - Sleep / Fitbit - Got to bed late last night due to movie finishing interrupted by OKC conversation. I would have hit the snooze for half an hour this morning too if it hadn't been for the bad dream that I woke up to. So, not the best rest I've ever gotten: 7 hours 9 minutes, 2x awake, 17x restless, total of 28 minutes awake/restless.

 - Fur-babies - Dreamy came over for a little bit about half an hour ago Catmom says he was grumpy about coming in from outside. I got a few purrs out of him but he spent most of the time squawking at nothing… so, yeah. He's definitely grumpy about something.

He went home already.

Splotches came over when Dreamy left and is busy holding down my living room floor right now. I got some purrs out of him too, but neither of them were willing to cuddle.

I’m counting it as Cat Therapy anyway.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

Not today.

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - I was surprised to get a call from him earlier this morning when I was still working on first coffee. Not sure why he was heading in so early, but he was not in the best of moods. Very 'it's been a long week' level 'I haven't killed anyone yet' kind of grumpy.

He got the very bad news that his primary job is about to start getting wage garnished. They're set to gouge him for about 65% of his pay check. That's going to leave him barely capable of making rent, much less bills, food, and other expenses. Not to mention totally eliminating the possibility of paying the Blue Falcon back for the new tires on his truck. So, that responsibility is now falling squarely on my shoulders.

I think I might back out on the eclipse trip… I haven't decided yet.

So, that's it. Bran will have nothing going into savings to even make it back to me. The only good thing is that when he makes it back he'll have a rent free buffer until the middle of October, but we still have no clue when he's coming back… he might end up not being able to benefit from that buffer at all.

At least his rent costs will go down a bit once he comes back… probably by about $200 or so… it's not a lot, but it's something.


I realized something else yesterday too.

If Bran wouldn't have left, I would have never met the Blue Falcon.


There's a lot of 'never would have's' that are tied to Bran being gone…

I still want him to come back, but I'm starting to 're-open' my eyes when it comes to the opportunities I still have coming to me with him being away.

It's not much of a comfort. But, it's something.

 - The Unicorn - Nothing new to report.

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bio's there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters - So, I met with a potential yesterday and it was interesting. Based on the nature of our less than illustrious conversations I was expecting a simple Fuck and Bail. I was even totally prepared for that to be the case and I had my computer ready to go on writing that critique.

No… we ended up just laying in my bed and talking. He didn't even cuddle.

He didn't stay long either… places to go, people to kill, so to speak.

He told me that yesterday was just to 'feel me out', get to know me. Find out what I was about so he could decide if he wanted something deeper or more intimate with me.

When he left he made noises about coming back on Saturday when he doesn't have anywhere else that he needs to be.

I'm actually REALLY looking forward to that. I enjoyed talking with him and even with as much as he shared with me, I know I only barely scratched the surface of a very complex character of a man. So I can't wait to give him a safe place to really open up to me.

I think the sex is going to be pretty good too.

He's got quite the dark side.  :)

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - We're in the 'nothing new' place because there really is nothing new and that's to be expected. Except he did message last night to get my white chocolate popcorn recipe again, LOL. I'm so glad that he likes the way I make popcorn.

Really, I’m still just on cloud mother fucking nine with the Blue Falcon…

All I think about is how much he missed fucking me and how much I'm looking forward to fucking him again…

He's just so delicious.

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - Still nothing from the two I'd hoped to hear back from… *shrug* oh well.

 - The Hopefuls - Radar got pinged by another potential long-distance thing last night… I'm really surprised at how much the long-distance thing doesn't bother me right now.

 - Honorable Mentions - I blocked the so called _alpha_ that stood me up on Friday and hasn't spoken to me since… I say again, NO QUARTER. I'm fucking done being jerked around by that asshole.

End Notes:

Todays installment of Ghost Story is going to be by special request. I’m going to have a Cougar in 'Sex Teacher' space…

Just a treat for another potential cub.  :)  


  1. I read. Your female leads are always strong women who are very self-aware. What about trying to write from their perspective, but when they are just learning about themselves in terms of sexuality and power play/talents?

  2. What a great idea! I love it. I've just started a new narrative and I'm going to try to stick with it for now. But I will definitely take your suggestion into the next one. I still remember what it was like when I was second guessing myself a lot and trying to come to grips with my self-awareness, so I have some personal experience banked to base such a story on. Thank you so much!!
