Monday, September 25, 2017

Best. Kid. Ever.

I took the weekend off because it was Mother/Daughter bonding time. Much Buffy/Angel was watched. We're closing in on the end of Buffy… should only be about 2 more visits and then we'll be down to just the final season of Angel.

Then she wants to watch all of Supernatural from the beginning again.

Holy fuck, gods damn, I have the BEST KID EVER!!!

We also discussed the Halloween arrangement this year.

The custody agreement was that her father and I would alternate every other year with her. This is supposed to be my year to have her on Halloween, but I don't really think it even matters anymore. She's going to be 14 and that's sort of the cutoff for trick or treating, really.

I'm pretty sure one of her friends is going to host a Halloween party that she'll want to go to and it just hasn't come up yet.

My weekend with her is November 3rd… she and I can do our ritual then. It's no big deal. The gods are used to us working around the custody schedule.

Other than that, nothing super eventful this weekend… just me settling into a new antisocial internal landscape and enjoying my time with her.

Missing the Blue Falcon a bit, but that's to be expected. I'm not sure if I'll see him this week because he's preparing to for a road trip to meet a bunch of people he knows from his online groups. He said he might drop by, though.

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - The depression doesn't seem as 'sharp' as it has been. The aloneness seems to have eased up as well. I think I’m mostly back to a pretty solid 'numb' state. I'm getting used to the idea that Bran isn't coming home soon, again… and yeah, it sucks ass, but I've survived this long, right? What's another six months?


Yes, granted… it's fucking hell.

But, it's a hell that I know very well now.

All I can do is keep up with the self-care and get myself through it.

 - Writing - Still on hold.

 - Reading - So, that alien invasion paranormal romance occupies a LOT of my waking thoughts… I keep wishing I could go back to that world and read more about those characters, but the storyline closed out so elegantly that I know there's nothing more to read.

Took me awhile to figure out what it was about that series that had me so fucking hooked.

It was the way the guy was so obsessive and sexually possessive of the girl.

Major turn on.

I keep finding myself wanting to be in her situation and then quickly saying 'NO! No, I don't!' because that situation would have taken me away from Bran with little or no care for the feelings I still had for him. These aliens aren't Poly.

Still, having someone that sexually possessive over me? Yeah… that would rock.

Other story-wise, I'm still working my way through the books that I have downloaded from a year or two ago. Some of them, well, a majority of them, I'm skipping and not reading because they're not my thing. I'm definitely more into the paranormal romances. If a story is just too mainstream where everyone is human, it's just way too boring for me. I also hate BDSM shit. Learned that the hard way. I can't believe I almost roped myself into writing that crap.

I think I need to delete my FetLife account. It's just not me. It's not who I am. That's not my world anymore.

 - Sleep / Fitbit - Fitbit won't sync… no clue.

 - Fur-babies - Nothing new to report.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Blood Sugar - See, this morning, it was pure laziness. I had my coffee poured, but I hadn't taken a single sip yet when I remembered my blood sugar. However, by that time, I was already back on my computer… and I didn't want to get up again. Pure LAZINESS!!

I suck.

 - Exercise/Yoga - I skipped this over the weekend because I don't exercise when/where someone can see me. And I’m skipping it today because of time constraints…

So, what am I going to do when Bran comes home and he's 'working' in the living room when I need to do my thing?

I guess I'll exercise in the bedroom.

Either that, or I think we're joining a gym, and then I won't care who or what can see me.

 - Weight Management -

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - Nothing new to report.

 - The Unicorn - We did have a really good weekend. She continues to amaze me with how wonderful she is. I don't know how much more I can say that I didn't already say at the beginning of this entry.

Oh! She quit Track!!

I know, right?

What the fuck?

I was so proud of her for being a geek and a jock at the same time, but it turns out that her main interest in track was relay races, but she was never able to get onto a relay team. She really wanted to be on a team. She never made it into a team, so she gave up. She quit.

Good for her.

She knew what she wanted and she knew she wasn't getting it, so she got out.

Still. Proud. As. Fuck.

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ I took out the section on sweetie bio's, the whole 'sweetie' thing never really worked out. I only ended up with a bunch of one night stands. I'm giving up on sweeties. ]

 - Recent Encounters - Nothing new to report.

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - He hasn't brought it up, but there's a decent chance that this outing he's going on this coming weekend could result in a 'date' or someone taking an interest in him. Right now that doesn't bother me… I feel kinda numb… I'm just… prepared to lose him, I guess.

I don't like it, but there it is.

Relationships / Just Friends:

New section.

My date from last week.

I asked if we could be just friends, and he said yes.

I still feel bad. I don't know how intense his emotional attachment might have been to us being lovers, but he seemed to be okay. I think I'm going to keep my distance for awhile anyway, just to give him some space to acclimate to the new arrangement.

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One-Timers - A date from a few weeks ago expressed an interest in getting together yesterday, but I couldn't because I was still with the Unicorn.

He's one of the good ones. No 'using for sex' involved.

We'll have to see where it goes from there.

 - The Hopefuls - Nothing new…
 - Honorable Mentions - … to report.

End Notes:

So, a good weekend was had by all.

The week I have ahead of me is pretty standard.

I'm meeting with my temporary case manager today, we're going to try to salvage my status with the county and hopefully I can book some time to take care of shopping trips in the next few weeks… they're very much needed.

Other than that, it's just an extra trip to my psychiatrist on Tuesday to discuss psyche meds and no chiropractor this week, so I should get a lot of reading done.

And I guess that's it…

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