Thursday, December 7, 2017

I'm glad to be a better 'me'...

The good part about not getting to entries until later in the day is that it's actually giving the day some time for things to happen that are worth writing about. This means my opening random thoughts actually have some meat to them other than 'I'm tired'.  
Today has been a good day. Most of it will be recorded in it's appropriate section.
One thing that's new is that I've actually been budgeting out a full expense report of what my monthly expenses are vs. how much I have to spend. As well as what my up coming big expenses are and when I project that I will be able to afford them.  
I'm being responsible about my money and I'm not just expecting everything to fall on Bran now that he's home. I'm still doing my best to remain independent and not rely on him for every little thing.
However -  
Eventually I'm going to need his help to acquire better food.
I'll budget out what I can... But I'm not going to be able to handle it all on my own and I know it.
I’m proud of myself for having a budget and a plan, though. Previous to this, money-wisdom has never been my thing. So, this is a good change for me amidst other good changes that have been happening since Bran's return.
These are good things.
I'm glad to be a better 'me'.
Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

- Therapy – Nothing really new on the mental health front. If anything, I'm feeling quite good. My recent turn of heavy depression was all situational, and we all know that situation has finally resolved. Bran's home. Whatever depression I have from normal mental health issues that I struggle with seems to be under control. I'm well medicated and I know how to avoid my triggers. As long as I stay safe in my little cocoon, nothing can touch me. I'm fine. I'm in my BPD Cave.
Same goes for the anxiety... thrown the PTSD in there too.
The voices are all in harmony.
Insomnia is controlled by heavy drugs.
I'm right on the cusp of my moon phase and my PMS/PMDD symptoms aren't even reering their ugly heads.
So many of my issues come down to my environment. I have my safe place and that's all I need.
I’m good here.
- Writing – It's still on my list to attempt something here today... but I'm outside of my normal writing window... I think I need to schedule this for earlier in the day. Today it's not going to happen because I'm getting to it too late in the day... tomorrow will have to be better.  
- Reading - I'm in book two of that shifter series, putting my Kindle Unlimited to use. :) - this is a very good thing, indeed.  
I'm also reading Call of the Cthulhu now too! Very important that I have this fresh in my mind for when the Unicorn opens her winter holiday gift this year.
- Sleep / Fitbit – 10 hours 6 minutes, 4x awake, 16x restless, 56 minutes awake/restless. This is actually accurate. I didn't get my afternoon nap in yesterday so my tired eyes refused to stay open about 11 PM last night. I just shut down and curled up next to Bran while he gamed. Then when he was finally ready for bed (about 2 AM, I think), I got up to unmake the bed, refresh my water and take my meds. I was back asleep in no time. So, this is all still working out. I'm getting rest.  
It's all good.
I’m adjusting.

- Fur-babies – I think we're sleeping through Dreamy's morning visits... hopefully, I'll run into Catmom soon so I can let her know what's up.
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Blood Sugar – I even have a shiny new glucometer now... why do I never remember to do this?
- INR – It was LOW yesterday! Only 1.9. So I too, an extra 2.5mg of rat poison (as directed) this morning.
- Nervous System – The chiropractor and I are trying to work out why my left side shoulder area is getting mad at me... This may take some work.
- Inflammation – I'm running low on Turmeric... this is truly the suck.
- Exercise/Yoga - I DID IT!! I exercised today!! I have a good seated cardio routine saved on my YouTube. I wasn't able to follow along with all of it, but I did what I could for the whole session. The main thing is that I did get my heart rate up an it was enough movement for my Fitbit to register that I'd reached my step goal.  
Now, It's seated, which means it's not up to the Blue Falcon's standards. But it DID get my heart rate up and that's the most important thing to me.
- Weight Management – I expect that once the Paleo is back in place and as long as I keep up with this cardio, this will finally start to come down too.

Relationships / Family:
- Bran – Tee hee...
This morning was fun.
There was some lazy waking up involved. A few nose boops...

Then clothing was handed over so that I could do laundry first thing. I was also changing into clothing more appropriate for the upcoming Blood Moon.
But first I called Bran's attention to the fact that I was very naked.
He told me he had to be to work in 5 minutes.
I went to grab a pair of clean panties...
He went to grab a clean shirt...
I noticed his morning wood and said hi to Mo...
Bran pulled down the waistband of his boxers enough that I could touch Mo and say hi...
I put on my panties...
Bran said: 'Screw it, I've got five minutes, take those back off!'  
Queue quickie.
I love him so much.
- The Unicorn – Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Sweeties:
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon – After budget, I have just a little bit of flex. Like $7'ish... just enough for me to try again to get a cheap Windows Key... a request has been put in to the Blue Falcon for the details on how I accomplish this. He's going to take care of it tonight.
- Sweeties -
Nothing new to report.
 - AmbiguSweeties -
 - Pathfinder - Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Just Friends:
Nothing new to report.
End Notes:  
In other news, I'm really proud of myself for one other thing. I was on the CW App with the Xbox and the new episodes weren't loading. So I looked it up and the CW actually had a trouble shooting guide for refreshing the App on a number of devices. Their guide didn't work 'exactly' for this Xbox, but it was just close enough for me to push enough buttons to stumble upon the refresh, so I actually got my coffee and contemplation in today.

This made me happy.

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