Sunday, December 31, 2017

Matrix Trilogy - That's how we're doing New Years...

So, I'm supposed to write a bunch of drivel about how much I learned in 2017 and how much I'm looking forward to positive changes in 2018.
Fuck that noise.
The last two years of my life have been hell and the only thing I really learned was how to never trust women ever again.  
I let someone into my sphere.  
I welcomed her, cared for her, even loved her. I opened my home to her and offered to share my life and the love of my life with her.
Then she thanked me with a drawer full of knives in my back as she used every bit of leverage she had to turn my beloved against me.
She very nearly destroyed my marriage.
Fucking cunt.
Things are in a state of recovery and repair now, and that's what I can look forward to in 2018... I can hope that I'm able to rebuild my relationship with Bran...
But, that will never take away the sting of how much he was forced to hurt me.
Fuck you 2017 AND 2016!!
I survived you, and I could again.
I'm watching you 2018... Fucking behave or I'll wipe the floor with you too.
Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Therapy – Now, don't let the above fool you. I'm actually in a pretty good place today. But, the truth is, it's any other day. The only thing special about it is that I get to spend the day watching more Anime and Supernatural with the Unicorn. We're almost done with Season Two of Supernatural and we've pulverized three Anime's during her staycation. That's some quality couch potato'ing!! Right now the Anime is Ajin – Demi-Humans. It's dark, but good.
She goes home sometime tomorrow.
I'm going to miss her.
- Writing – Still on hold – I'm not sure I'm as close to done with Misha's Infinity Scarf as I thought I was... I'm thinking I’m going to have to add another two tiers of rectangles to make it just a bit thicker before I'm ready to close it off... It means more work and more cramped hands, yes. And I'm getting bored with this yarn, yes... but I want to finish this so I can move on to my Dark/Spiritual leg warmers for me. :)
Should I add Yarn Therapy as its own separate category?
I’m thinking I should.
- Reading – Nothing new to report.
- Sleep / Fitbit – 6 hours 54 minutes, 7x awake, 21x restless, 71 minutes awake/restless - I can DEFINITELY tell the difference between a night with Bran next to me and a night without him.  
When he's there, I still have water in my bottle when I wake up in the morning.
When he's not there, I get up at least once, sometimes twice during the night to refill my water, use the bathroom and sometimes grab a snack.
Last night I sneaked into Bran's roast beef again. I had a lovely little half sandwich with a bit of mayonnaise. It was tasty! I want more, but that's supposed to be Bran's food. I shouldn't dip into it... but it was so irresistible.  
- Fur-babies – I don't know what the fuck is up, but this must be a very dark and lonely time of year for Catmom because she's been DRUNK OFF HER ASS every time I've seen her. Yesterday it wasn't even 2:30 in the afternoon yet. And it's all beer too!! None of the hard stuff. I can't even imagine how costly it is to stay that fucking drunk!
Anyway, despite me telling her yesterday afternoon that the Unicorn and I were going to be gone yesterday evening, she still called to see if we were home. Thus, interrupting movie night.
She needs to get her shit under control.
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
I've been sore lately... and I haven't even done anything to deserve it.  :(
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – He hasn't even called or texted to check in...  
- The Unicorn – She had a good time at Movie Night even though the movie was pretty old school. 1958!! It was still a good movie. The best part though was that one of the Blue Falcon's cats was very snuggly and sleepy between us... more focused on me, though. So, the Blue Falcon told her/us that the cat is very amiable to being picked up and moved, so I just had the Unicorn scoop her up and bring kitty to her side. Cat just settled right back down and curled up into a nice, sleepy cuddle with her. It was very sweet!!
After the movie, the Blue Falcon set her up with the most complicated fucking controls on a space flight simulator that uses TWO joysticks and like a thousand buttons. But, she surprised me by actually doing pretty well under his instruction.
Ye mother fucking Gods, he's going to be a great dad someday.
I hope that day is very soon.
Relationships / Sweeties:
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon – I love him so much.  
The movie last night was really good. We watched Auntie Mame. Only one other person joined us.
I’m missing the intimacy with him.  
I hope I can get some naked cuddle time with him soon. I would like to spend some quality Sweetie time with him before It's too late and he's no longer available.
- Sweeties -
Nothing new to report.
 - AmbiguSweeties -
 - Pathfinder - Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Just Friends:
Nothing new to report.
End Notes:  
Even though the Unicorn and I are so close to closing out Season Two of Supernatural, I'm going to have her watch the Matrix Trilogy today.  :)

That's how we're doing New Years.

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