Thursday, December 15, 2016

Adventures in What the Fuckery...

I had the most amazing morning yesterday. I was so on top of everything. By the time my ride came at 12:45 I'd done coffee, morning yoga, a shower, a thousand words in Torvus and made myself a lovely breakfast of basted eggs.

My regular Wednesday appointments went down without a hitch. I even had a nice driver on the way home…

Not only that, but the second half of Torvus literally wrote itself in my mind on the way home. Everything I was having trouble figuring out just CAME TO ME.

And then once I got home I noted everything into Scrivener, and then…

I don't know what the fuck happened. But, it was like my whole world caved in.

I was forced to just take a break. Drink some wine and cry it out.

I was on the phone with Bran for part of that. Crying the whole time. I told him that he wouldn't break me if he decided to stay gone. I told him I'd just move the fuck on. He's the one who left me to fend for myself and despite the occasional depressive stint, I am THRIVING!

And I did figure out what was bothering me.

It's Daniel. The male half of my OTP. He's everything I want in a lover.

Gingersnap saw so much of himself in Daniel, he told me that's why he was so comfortable being himself with me. And I don't know what it is about him, but I 'sense' Daniel in him too.

So, this all comes down to "I found a Daniel", which I never expected would happen - and - my Daniel has no time for me, and I need him so much right now.

It's not Gingersnaps fault. I don't hold him responsible in any way. I just miss him.

I miss him, and it's making me sad…

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