Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Self-Esteem Issues 0 | ImariiStarre 3

Lou checked in with me yesterday. That was a surprise. I was kind of under the impression that our first date had been a one time thing for him. But, then, there he was, tapping in. I like him a lot. He's a body builder and I do have a weakness for muscles. Our first date, he was straight to business. The door had barely hit him in the ass before he had me in the bedroom and naked.

Hot damn. For some reason I respected the hell out of that.

I think it's my self-esteem issues at play there. So often, when I'm with someone, I'm always questioning whether or not they really want to be there. Especially if their so much prettier or healthier than I am. After the awesome sex we ended up talking sci-fi for a bit. Turns out he's pistol whip smart! And HOT! OMG… all muscle and brains too? What a power combination! The man knows quantum physics and we were even discussing the paradox of time travel.


And then, nothing.

But, he checked in with me yesterday. I was surprised and happy!! I told him as much. That after the first date I always send just one 'thank you, would love to do it again'. And after that I let it drop just so I don't seem overly clingy if it was a one time thing. He told me 'we will definitely play again, I had a great time too.' I even mentioned my self-esteem issues and how much I respected him for not leaving me questioning him.

Wow… again… It made me feel so warm.

The other thing? I looked back over our chat/texts and it had only been TEN DAYS since our 'date'. That's it! Just 10 days. A week and a half. So, if Lou tapped back in... that leaves a LOT of doors still open.  :)

The Dragon checked in on me too!! He came SOO close to making it over for a quickie (despite both of our admissions that a quicky would never be enough) but then, car troubles. *sigh* We made tentative plans for this morning, but he hasn't checked in with me yet.

There's another honorable mention. No code name yet. He's been tapping in a bit. He's SO POLITE!! But, once he got to me he barely even stayed for a full hour. So, he tapped out even quicker than Ash did.

This one doesn't sting like Ash did,  though.

THAT is HUGE progress on the self-esteem front!

I haven't said thank you to him yet. I’m going to take care of that now.


Self-esteem O | ImariiStarre 3

Fuck yeah.

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