Saturday, December 10, 2016

It pains me more than I could ever express in words…

I was forced to archive Gingersnap.

After so many unreturned texts… I mean, I can only wait so long before I give up.

This hurts so much. I really thought he and I had something special.

But, my writing is still on track (for the most part). So, losing him didn't cripple me at least.

I think part of that is due to Nirvana too.

Nirvana left me alone for pretty much all of yesterday. It felt good to get back on track with my regular order of operations. I was even able to get back to my yoga.  :)

I DID tap Whiskey yesterday. He's still with me!! Busy, but there.

I have the Unicorn this weekend. And next weekend I have her for pretty much her entire winter break.  :)

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