Wednesday, December 14, 2016

It was just a 'one time thing'...

I'm really frustrated with the ethic of one night stands. I wrote Tango the morning after our encounter. I thanked him and told him I'd love to see him again.


Nada, zilch.

What the fuck?

It's like these guys are perfectly fine emailing and messaging endlessly as we build up to the encounter, but once they fuck me, they're done.

That's the trademark difference between a potential and a sweetie.

Gramarye, Daddy, and Gingersnap all keep in contact with me. And Gramarye was more than just a one time thing. Whisky is still around too, just busy. The Dragon and I never had sex, but we both know we will someday.

So, I guess I shouldn't be disappointed. There's always a possibility that Lou, Tango, or Noodles might check in again. But, I'm pretty sure that's just going to be for sex and that these people aren't interested in a friendship. So, seeing them again will be a matter of how hungry I am.

At least Ash no longer stings since Gingersnap entered the scene.

Don't even get me started on Nirvana. PHEW! Dodged a bullet there!

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