Friday, December 23, 2016

I'm sorry Gingersnap...

I hate it.

But, I did it.

I archived Gingersnap again.


There's just… only so much 'no contact' I can take.

I'm not sure, but I might have lost Whiskey as well. I can't see a profile for him anymore, which means one of two things. Either he deleted his account, or he blocked me. *sigh again*

On the upswing, I had a really good, long conversation last night. This one doesn't get a code name, yet. But he's a strong 'honorable mention'.

Tonight the first staycation with the Unicorn comes to a close. *shrug* I didn't make plans with anyone else. I left it open just in case Gingersnap decides to tap in. But, we're getting snow today… so… yeah… that's not going to happen.

Really, it's not that I don't believe in him. (I mean, it sorta is, but) It's more that I don't want to be a pest.

Super hopeful about the other guy, though!!

We connect on a lot of levels. Even down to the BPD, Empathy and Healer abilities. So, that's totally bad ass.  *weak smile*

His style of Domination is very protective and passionate.

Ye gods... 

I so need that in my life right now.

Just to feel safe with someone again... that would mean so much to me.

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