Friday, December 30, 2016

Post trauma blues...

So, yesterday I overslept by an hour. And I still got the morning yoga in.

Today, I got up an hour early, and I'm NOT feeling the yoga today.

I think I'll be okay if I don't let 'days off' become a habit.

But, I'm pretty sure I know exactly why I'm not feeling it today.

I wanted to post an entry into a writing contest. But I used up all my post credit to put the first six chapters of my own work up. So, I needed to do some critiques this morning.

I ended up critiquing the first two chapters of a new (to me) author. The story is GOOD, but it's hitting me like some serious gut punches. The main character is the victim of family scapegoating and abuse. The level of detail that went into the 'victim' perspective has me genuinely worried for the author. No amount of reading or research could have contributed that much to that kind of detail. It could really only come from personal experience.

Just reading it had me flashing back to my own toxic family.

So… no yoga today.

I'm going to need to face beast and read more. I'm pretty sure this girl is going to come out on top. So, I’m very interested to pay close attention to her character arc.


Oh, and update. Echo's visit has been delayed a day. I'm expecting him sometime today.  :)

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