Saturday, December 17, 2016

Uncertain territory, but I'm okay...

The Unicorn is sick. As a result our winter break staycation started more than a few hours earlier than planned. This impacted the first date with a new sweetie. He still came over and we introduced him to a new anime. He seemed to really enjoy himself, but there were no cuddles or hand holding or anything. So, I'm left questioning whether or not he's really into me.

I've been chatting with another potential too. This one and I connect well on some pretty serious fantasies. He's still only a potential, though. I'm not giving into emotions before their time anymore.

I recently opened myself back up to the public eye. Almost no one knows where I keep my journal or what I post to my hidden blog.

Someone connected to something bad is still a Facebook friend. I need to be careful about how much I let slip there. Some friends that I've reconnected with know the full story on why I disappeared. I won't be able to openly write about Bran until the spring, though.

I’m okay hiding. I know Bran needs it in order to remain drama free where he is right now. I'm surprised that it doesn't bother me as much as it did before when I was a secret. I don't like being treated as the mistress. But, I guess I just trust him more this time around.

I don't know where I am emotionally today… 

Lack of sleep I guess. The Unicorn kept me up kind of late. I hope she gets better soon. I don't like her being sick.

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