Monday, December 26, 2016

Echoing Lurves...


So, aside from the minor 'Merry Christmas' tap from Gingersnap. Nothing. No reply to my tackle hug or anything. This is starting to get frustrating. I just went ahead and archived him again. I'll respond to a tap in hopes of kicking off a conversation. But, I'm not going to tap out anymore. I have more attentive potential sweeties who are proving to be more worthy of my time.


So… on that note. Echo and I are all the way up to the L word. We're using 'Lurve', because it speaks stronger of the detachment that we both need to feel secure in. But also calls out to the fact that there is a very mutual attachment as well.

There's even been talk of him spending multiple days with me, and timing it so that he can spend time with the Unicorn too. He's told me how rare it is that he would even offer such a thing.

We're just so much alike. Both Borderline. Both writers. And our Dom/sub styles are opposite sides of the same coin.

But, he also understands completely about Bran and says that he'd never try to get between us, no matter how strongly this thing builds between us.

It's still scary.

How many times has Lurve gotten me in trouble?

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