Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wish Granted!

No, not Gingersnap. Different ginger… but, Gingersnap may have been right about infecting me with Ginger Fever.

On the night of the fifth, a different ginger contacted me via OKC just a little after 5pm. His note was very sweet, he felt that we'd make a great match and that we're looking for the same things. A quick jaunt to his profile, which practically screamed 'Big Goofy Nerd' in bright, blinking red neon. And I was done.

Well, okay… I was pretty much done from first contact. He lead with Supernatural and asked me if I was current. Even Bran had to admit that was enough for me to just hand over my panties right there and say "I won't be needing these". 

This one is now on record as the shortest courtship and fastest 'complete date' on record. He's going to be TOUGH to beat. Within half an hour of first contact, I was inviting him over. He got to my place around 6 and had to leave again at 8. We managed to cram dinner, drinks, awesome company/conversation, AND hot sex into that tiny little two-hour window.

Before he came over he asked if he should bring anything. I was still reeling from nightmare and just general 'bad day', so I said whiskey. And, omg, did he ever bring whiskey. The good stuff that had been given to him as a gift.

He wasn't really that hungry, but he tried my white goolash anyway. He said it was really good. By about 6:45/7pm I had said something to the effect of. "The downside of being on the couch is that it's a lot harder to transition into something more intimate, normally we'd be in the bedroom."

"Are you saying you'd like for things to get intimate."

"Well, yeah…"

So, move to the bedroom we did. He found out just how much I love having my hair pulled. And he stood near me while he was unwrapping the condom and told me (yes, I took an order, LOL. Fuck off) to remove his pants.

"All of it?"

"Your choice."

Oh… then I saw his enormous cock and I was REALLY done! I couldn't wait anymore (though I gave him a little tongue tease before the condom went on).

"Okay!" I said. "I’m going to need that inside me, like NOW!"

Oh… he was good… didn't cum, though. After he needed to stop because his heart was beating a million miles a minute he found out that I could deep throat a bit. He as so gentle as he put his hand on the back of my head and guided me up and down his cock. He came in my mouth and he was good. Not to thick or off-putting taste wise. Just the gooey, salty that I love.

That night, no nightmares.

Yesterday, all smiles despite getting my period.

Took the day off yesterday. I felt like I'd earned it.

Still not doing yoga today.


Also, talking to someone new on OKC. Not sure what to say about him. Just that I get a good feeling about him. We'll see. He lives kind of far away.

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