Saturday, December 24, 2016

Wading through the swamps of sadness...

The Unicorn went home to her dads last night. This was after we finished all of the Supernatural that's currently on Netflix. She dealt with the 'show hole' by getting further into Naruto.

So, here I am. Alone again on a holiday where it's been just me and Bran for so many years.

I would be lying if I said there isn't resentment there. I hate the fact that he won't be with me and ordering Chinese food tomorrow.


I’m conflicted on the sweetie front.

I miss Gingersnap terribly. At this point, I have to believe it's more than just the snow keeping us apart. It reads to me like he's gone into some sort of hiding and I'm not far enough into his sphere to be a trusted form of stress release. *sigh* it is what it is.

I promised Daddy that he'd be the only one I'd ever call Daddy. I'm regretting that promise now. I've exchanged messages with a potential (no code name, yet) who gives me the read of being a very protective Daddy Dom. He's comfortable with me keeping my promise. But, there is still a part of me that wants to honor him by being able to call him something wonderful during our play time. I just don't know what that might be yet.

Two more potentials on the radar. One I met on Cuddle Comfort and who would like to come over today after I'm done getting my house back in order. The other who might be coming over tomorrow night.

*sigh again*

Right now I'd do just about anything to get Gingersnap off my mind.

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