Thursday, December 8, 2016

Smells like soulmateSpirit...

So… now nothing from the Other Ginger either! Granted I know he has both work and school and I think he mentioned his free day is Friday. So, there's still a chance I might hear from him.

Gingersnap is still MIA. Even after I sent him pictures of my perfectly basted eggs last night.


I was crying last night.

Enter Nirvana to the scene.

I mentioned him at the tail end of my very last entry. This one has me both excited and scared. Not the same way that Gingersnap did.

Allow me to elaborate:

When he first started messaging me, I was in a foul as hell mood. I took an innocent statement the wrong way and then shredded him over propositioning me when he barely knows me. That was the same night that the Other Ginger came to visit me. Fuck it. We're just going to call him Whiskey. Since he brought me Whiskey.

Okay, so the day after Whiskey's visit I was feeling MUCH better. Not only from having fed (he was a good lover). But from getting a little bit drunk and from Whiskey triggering my period, which helped me bleed off some negative emotions.

So, Nirvana and I start chit-chatting and this time I'm so warm to him. And then I start finding out that he actually knows the names of ALL THE SEX POSITIONS. Okay, now we're getting somewhere. I can learn from this. It's research. I need to fuck this one, for science!

And then he asked me what turns me on.

I told him the non-sexual turn on is when someone reads my work and then 'learns' me, because my lead females are always me.

He took it a step further, claiming to be Daniel incarnate. Even going so far as telling me that he remembers being my ex-demon lover.

There's no way he could have known that's where Torvus is evolving. There's no way he could have known that Daniel himself will be giving that exact speech to Jessa at some point.

Nirvana is Incubus.

And he's hungry.

I have plans to throw all caution to he wind and meet him half way on Monday. It will take about $40 of my own (desperately slim pickings of) money up front, which he will reimburse me for the moment I get to the motel.

I know I want this.

I know I need this.

He still scares the crap out of me.


We all know what I do to my fears, don’t we?

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