Monday, December 5, 2016


Today's writing session went way better. I did my usual 2K in an hour and it didn't seem nearly as forced. I think I did a good job of  'show' vs. 'tell' on Jessa's back story by making it a flash back this time.

I got a chance to talk to Bran just as I was starting my morning yoga. And as far as the yoga itself goes, I'm sore in some of the post-sex places, so I know it's working. I'm even starting to sweat a little from the effort that goes into it.

Go me.

I also sent a text to Gingersnap. Nothing big. Just saying that I need a hug and that I hope he's doing well. No answer back... so... fuck...

I don't know...

I'm almost sure he hasn't forgotten me. But sometimes it's really hard to be sure of that.

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