Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Check yourself before you wreck yourself...

... true words of wisdom.

So… last night was interesting.

Or, maybe I should start with what happened during the day.

I was chatting with a guy on OKC. I'd already blocked him from texting me to my Google Voice # once. But he seemed determined to reestablish contact. Fuck me. I came within an inch of blocking him again. But, for some reason I was able to get the chip off my shoulder, just long enough to give him a chance, and I'm really glad that I did.

As our conversation deepened during the day, I realized just how much he reminded me of Mahogany. I still miss Mahogany terribly, and I'm deeply saddened by how he just disappeared from my life. This guy… he seemed to be pretty determined to not do that to me.

In fact, I felt so confident about him that I actually already code named him before the in person 'first contact'. He's code named Tango.

I had originally made plans with Tango for last night, but then I totally forgot about them! I made plans with someone else that I feel really good about and I wound up double booked. I sacrificed Tango in favor of the other guy.

But, other guy didn't make contact all day.

That re-opened the door to make things right with Tango.

Tango even got off work early and brought a bottle of wine to our date.

The original plan was popcorn and a movie, then see where things go. LOL.  Yeah… I bet you can imagine.

Grand total, from both before and after 'fun', we only watched about half an hour of the movie.

He's a good lover. Very passionate. Very into foreplay and getting a girl worked up.

I'm really glad that I checked myself and gave him a chance. I feel awful for how I almost gave up on him, twice! I hope I'm able to make that up to him.

Who knows… maybe I already did?


This morning I'm up EARLY. Since my Tuesdays start earlier now, I'm getting up a full 2 hours early just so I can make sure to fit the yoga in.

That is AMAZING!!

The fact that I'm so into the movement now… I don't feel right if my morning doesn't include it. So I'm actually early to bed on Mondays and early to rise on Tuesdays. I FEEL SO GOOD!!

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