Thursday, December 29, 2016

Echos of Excitement...

I’m so fucking excited.

Echo will be here soon. I’m not sure exactly when, but sometime today he's going to be dropped off and he plans to stay for about two weeks.

He wants to spend quality time with both me and the Unicorn.

It's scary.

We've never met in person and this is a huge commitment.

Bran has been updated about the plan for me to spend a week with Echo, but he hasn't been told that this is likely to extend to about two weeks. He sounded deeply unhappy about this, but he held his tongue. *shrug* fucking good for him. Seriously, after the shit he's put me though this year, he seriously has NO RIGHT to dictate how I govern my relationships.

I even found out how he spent the Christmas holiday, and I'm NOT happy.

He should have been with me, and he knows it.

So, having someone who ISN'T going to be a one night stand. And who wants to really take the time to get to know me and my daughter before we play. It's very worth it to me.

I need this.

Echo does too.

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