Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Met with someone who turned out to be unexpectedly cuddly, yesterday.

We met on OKC, and he's delightfully verbose. He's very 'Sheldon'. Down to using the word 'coitus' instead of 'sex'. I like that about him. He's tall and skinny, and super cute.

The Unicorn really talked his ear off though. The last time she did that with a potential, the guy bolted and I've not heard from him since.

This one bolted too. But he messaged me after. He felt the Unicorn was a normal 13-year-old. He even told me that he'd check his schedule on when he could come over again. This time sans Unicorn.  :)


Echo is amazing. Every time we chat, it's just so wonderful to feel the depth of that connection that we share. He's talking about coming to stay with me for a whole week! Part of that deliberately when I have the Unicorn. Just to get to know her better, earn her approval, *heh* and to take her Pokemon hunting.

So far, he's the kind of Dominant that would love to lay claim.

What holds me back is the promises I've made to the Dragon and to Daddy…

But, these are guys who haven't come back for their own reasons.

If that connection is really there… if he spends a whole week owning me. Shouldn't I give those bonds to him?

This part is really confusing for me.


I also had a sit down with the Unicorn to discuss what I should do about Bran. I know his being gone has pushed me to new areas of growth and recovery. Bran says people were telling him that he was my crutch. I'm beginning to realize he was much more of an albatross. He was the one holding me back. And now look at me…

So, I asked the Unicorn what I should do.

She says that when Bran and I cohabitate again. I should make sure that I have my own space that is exclusively mine and where I CAN continue to entertain guests. Who knows, Bran might even allow for overnights so that he can get some more restful sleep in his own bed.

I think she's right.

I hope Bran can agree to those terms.

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