Monday, December 12, 2016



Gingersnap checked in last night!

I'm not fucking kidding. He gave me a perfectly reasonable explanation on why he'd gone MIA. And I know now that between work and family, it might be awhile before we really see or speak to each other again. I'm just so fucking happy right now.

Nirvana is in the wind. I'm actually okay with this. Now that I really look back on things, it all seemed awfully cat-fishy. *shrug* whatever. It's cool. If he'd been a local I totally would have fucked him on spec. But asking me to spend almost $50 of money I don't have and need for my child to eat, just to have sex with him? Yeah, I'm sorry. No thanks. My Unicorn is more important than sex. I don't care how many positions he knew the names of.

Couple more potentials this week. No code names yet. One I'm excited about, and one I'm kinda blah about. Gramarye is seriously worried about how many strangers I invite into my home. But, I'm okay running my own show. At least I think I'm okay… I don't know if I should be setting up safe calls or anything. I've been fine so far.

But, seriously… Gingersnap is still with me. I could not possibly be happier about this.

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