Saturday, December 31, 2016

Maybe... baby...

OMG… 2016 can not be over fast enough. This was a shit year. 2017 isn't off to a great start either without Bran, but I'm still hopeful that Echo is going to make up for it.

Echo didn't make it out to see the Unicorn and I yesterday. He'd slept all day the day before. Then all night and all day yesterday too. At first I was really upset that he didn't contact me at all again yesterday, but when I found out how much he'd been sleeping, he had my full empathy and sympathy.

Borderlines don't sleep like that unless something is dreadfully wrong.

Either his body or his mind are fighting something off and they need the extra downtime to repair and build resiliency. So, he's forgiven.

I'm super hopeful to see him today. I can't wait to be his.


Got a message from Foxtrot late last night. He's still interested.

I'm a little unnerved that the extra time with Echo is going to impact the other sweeties. But, at the same time… no one but Gramarye has made it out for a second/third date.

Granted, Foxtrot WANTS to… And is actually making plans. So, I'm super nervous about making him wait! I hope he'll be okay with it.


I'm over my abuse triggers from yesterday. And I'm tired this morning. But I should still be able to force the yoga out of myself today.

I miss WANTING to do yoga!!

I miss feeling incomplete without the yoga.

WTF brain/body…

Srsly, just wtf.

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