Monday, January 1, 2018

And, it's 2018. (like you didn't already know...)

So, Happy New Years and all that nonsense.
As previously mentioned, the Unicorn and I did New Year's Eve with the Matrix Trilogy. She really loved the first one but keeping her engaged through the second two was like pulling teeth and to be honest I don't fucking blame her. I always hated the second two as well, but I thought it was important for her to see how they closed out the narrative.
Now, this means two years in a row that we've done a Trilogy to celebrate the Holiday's. Last year Mockingjay II had just hit the theatres, so I actually sat her down with the first three Hunger Games movies (which, she loved) and then sent her home with instructions to tell her dad to take her to the fourth and final installment (which, he did). I tell ya, it was more diabolical than Mountain Dew and Pixie Stiks.
Anyway, since last night I've been kinda wracking my brain a little bit.
Whatever shall we do next year?
What great Trilogy/series hasn't she seen that I know would be great for her?
This morning it hit me.
Next year we're not going to go for GOOD!
We're going to go for BAD!
Not even just BAD, we're going to go all out and just dive into the fucking WORST!!
Next year...
… we're gonna do Twilight.
Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Therapy – Bran hasn't checked in once since he left on Friday. For the most part, I hope it's because he's been having a good time with the guys, but I also hope it's because he's engaged the Crisis Professional within and he's been pulling out all the stops to help his buddy through the holiday depression.  
I'm sad that he hasn't thought about me once. I guess I’m hurt a little too. Or maybe there's just no good cell service where he is and he's thought about me a ton. Fuck, I don’t know.
Maybe it would be too rude to ask for computer access to email a wife when Buddy is so alone for the holidays.
Whatever, I’m sure it's fine.
I guess I just miss him.
- Writing – Still on hold.
- Reading – Meh...
- Yarn Therapy – So, I think I fucked up. Not too tragically, I hope... but I was just getting the infinity scarf to the desired thickness when I realized that my 'in the round' bind off instructions had me binding off on a purl side, which would negate mirroring the base triangle pattern. So, I'm going to have to add another whole row of purl RECTANGLES, making the scarf unintentionally wider than desired, before I can attempt to bind off on a knit side and hope that it works out okay.
- Sleep / Fitbit – 6 hours 6 minutes, 5x awake, 17x restless, 56 minutes awake/restless. I feel this is off a bit. I think I slept in more than this is saying I slept in.. But, whatever.
- Fur-babies – Nothing new to report.
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
Hah! Yeah right.
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – Not sure when to expect him back tonight...  
*sigh* - I hope there are cuddles.
- The Unicorn – We had a good run. The last two weeks have been awesome and I've loved every minute with her. I don't exactly relish the idea of sending her back to Dad-Hell, but it's her choice to remain in his environment, so there's really nothing I can do there.
We're going to try to wipe out Season Two of Supernatural today.
She's gotta wake up first, though.
Relationships / Sweeties:
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon – Nothing new to report.
- Sweeties -
- Bear – Got a Happy New Year text from Bear this morning... still and again, he's missing me more than I'm missing him. And I realize that if the Unicorn hadn't been here, this weekend would have been the perfect time to see him a little bit. Hmm... hopefully I get to see him soon'ish.
 - AmbiguSweeties -
 - Pathfinder - Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Just Friends:
I'm a bit worried about a friend that I don't have a code name for, yet. She's a good woman. Borderline, like me. Clearly lonely over this holiday season. I think she was expecting to be a part of someone's world last night and that didn't happen.
For some fucking reason, it just never crossed my mind to make her a part of my world. She could have hung and done the Matrix Trilogy with the Unicorn and me. I didn't even think about it until it was too late.
I did toss out an invite to come and watch Black Mirror with us today, thus changing our plans to close out Season Two of Supernatural, but Friend hasn't responded and I don't really expect her two.
It's painfully obvious when one is just an afterthought.  
I hope she'll be okay.
I’m going to try to lure her out for coffee sometime.
End Notes:  
And, that's it.  
That's my big, whoppin' New Year's update.
Stunning, I know.


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