Monday, January 2, 2017

Unicorn blues... (but thank you Foxtrot)

I spent the bulk of yesterday crying and trying to hide it. The Unicorn did what she could with Anime and funny YouTube videos.

Echo was still having his issues making it out to me too.

Yikes… so, um… I went for the back-up plan.

I texted Foxtrot.

OMG… the response… I mean, see for yourself:

ME:: Foxtrot. I know it's short notice... but, my evening opend up, and I don't think I want to be alone.
FT:: Ooo
ME:: I'm a bit heart broken and sad. and omg... my place is a MESS. So, it's not ideal.
FT:: Hmm, that can happen with kids (the mess). I'll let you know when I have an eta.

Echo knows I see other people. So, he only asks that I not tell him anything, because he can be so territorial. I totally get that. It's a common BPD thing.

So, Foxtrot was on his way about the time that the Unicorn and I were going down to meet her dad for the hand off. But, then more than half an hour later, DoucheDad hadn't shown up yet and I knew Foxtrot was less than 20 minutes away from me. The Unicorn called her dad and he came to get her.

But, there was a moment of panic.

Neither me nor the Unicorn wanted to let go of each other. The reason DoucheDad hadn't shown up yet was because tomorrow ISN'T a school day, and he thought he was picking her up tomorrow evening. We both got excited over the possibility of spending another day together. She almost told him not to pick her up until tomorrow. But, then I remembered that Foxtrot was already on his way and he was expecting ALONE time.


It hurt like hell to do it, but I told the Unicorn to tell her dad to come get her. And then my heart shattered even more because I was SO worried that she'd feel that I chose Foxtrot over her. She seemed okay tough. And, I should update that I got so worried about her as I was writing this that I called her. She's okay. She was having brunch at a restaurant with her dad.



Ye gods… he is so fucking delicious.

The last time he was here, he used the HDMI port on my TV to hook into his Surface. So, when he got to my place last night and the Unicorn was still here, his first move was to put another funny video up for her. When he went across my living room and knelt down… I just about lost my mind. His jeans were super tight and his ass was SUPER HOT!!

The Unicorn left shortly after (technical difficulties prevented adequate distraction anyway) and Foxtrot and I moved to my bedroom.

There was cuddling, and touching… clothes came off super slow.

Unfortunately, because of my body and brain being uncooperative as usual, he wasn't able to do what he really wanted to do the most. He was unable to go down on me until I came all over his face. I know he left feeling like a failure because of it. Gods, I fucking hate myself for that.

But, I loved the way he kissed me… I loved it that every time I opened my eyes he was looking down on me with the absolutely sweetest smile, ever!!

I did enjoy him!! I swear, I really did.

He's an excellent post-coital cuddler too.

Right after he left, I had to make myself cum, so I did… then I went to bed.


This morning I woke up to a bit of a surprise.

I had rejected some messages and a phone call from Tango last night. I apologized for it this morning.

Um… so… wow…

Tango and his friend are interested in a MFM threesome with me.

*tummy flutters*

It will be the first time, for all of us.

Tango and I discussed it, and they're okay with me keeping them on stand-by for tonight, just in case Echo doesn't make it out again.

Echo is, of course, the preferred. But… damn…

What a back up plan!!

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