Saturday, August 26, 2017

Cat Compersion...

Stage Fright wasn't as funny as I remember it being. The Blue Falcon and the Unicorn were slightly amused, but they both thought it could have been better.

I provided the meat for last nights dinner and even though it was tender, it wasn't very juicy. I was disappointed and I think they were too.

The Blue Falcon and I teamed up to make the potatoes and that was SUPER FUN!! I think we make good kitchen buddies.

One of the Blue Falcon's cats was all over the Unicorn last night. It was super sweet. Normally that cat has been very aloof and not very cuddly, so it was really nice to see her singling out the Unicorn as a source of cuddles. I know it made the Unicorn incredibly happy.

I got no cat cuddles. But I was happy for the both of them. I have cat compersion.

So, even if it wasn't all perfect, it was still a good night.

LOL, cat compersion, indeed.

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - The Blue Falcon was rejected by the girl I tried to set him up with, and then I made it a bit clear that I was a tad upset with her. Now she's messaging him again. So, it looks like I've just shot myself in the foot again and sped myself right along to my own demise.

How am I going to get through losing him if I don't have a safety net?

How many tears am I going to have to shed in his honor?

 - Writing - Still on hold.

 - Reading - Still reading crap… but I'm over halfway done… I plan to review on Amazon… this will not go well for the author.

 - Sleep / Fitbit - 7 hours 32 minutes, 4x awake, 14x restless, 52 minutes awake/restless.

 - Fur-babies - The Unicorn and I happened upon Catmom as we were returning home last night. She did tell us that Dreamy had wanted to visit, but we weren't home. So, still, no cat love for me.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Blood Sugar - Skipped.

 - INR - I got a voicemail from the clinic that monitors my INR, they say it was normal when they received it. That's very frustrating. I think the machine at my clinic that takes the finger prick needs to be recalibrated.

 - Nervous System - Ye Gods am I looking forward to being adjusted this week!

 - Exercise/Yoga - / - Weight Management - The Blue Falcon turned down my suggestion to join a gym with me… so now if I want to do water aerobics somewhere it's going to also come down to me having the energy necessary to go there on my own without anyone to partner with for motivation.

Yeah… I don't see this happening.

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - We talked on his commute home last night, and as usual there's a lot of 'talk' about promoting him. But, it's still all talk. There's been no movement anywhere. He's still stuck in the same dead end that has him stuck in the same dead end…

I'm so done with this.

 - The Unicorn - We kept to ourselves for most of yesterday. She had her anime and I had my trashy romance. We did enjoy the evening with the Blue Falcon, though.

I lose her tonight and most of tomorrow because JerkDad's stepfather wants to take her to an air show. She doesn't really want to go, and I don't really want her to go. This is supposed to be my time with her and common courtesy would have extended the invite to me as well, but one couldn't expect an asshole like JerkDad to consider the feelings of others.

I get her back tomorrow night.

Monday we're hoping to meet with someone who's going to be very good for her.  :)

So, there are still good things.

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bios there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters - Nothing new to report.

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - I don't know why I'm fighting so hard to lose him. How can I advocate the one thing that is sure to hurt me more than anything else could right now?

What the fuck am I doing to myself!

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - Nothing…
 - The Hopefuls - … new to…
 - Honorable Mentions - … report.

End Notes:

I guess if I can feel compersion over a couple of cats, I can feel compersion in other ways too?

I'm not alien to the idea of compersion. I've felt it before.

Can I feel it with the Blue Falcon?


Gods, I hope so.

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