Monday, August 7, 2017

The family beyond blood...

I have quite a bit of update to get you through, so this is probably going to be a longer entry than normal.

Also, just a heads up that the Unicorn is going to be staying with me for a two-week staycation in the tail end of August, so there might not be a whole lot in blog posts.

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - / - Writing - No movement here, which is common for a Unicorn weekend. She has the most inappropriate timing. On Saturday morning I was trying to get my post written so I could shower and prepare to spend the day with her and the Blue Falcon, and I swear every 5 minutes it was "Hey, mama, wanna hear something funny?/interesting?/cool?"

I try not to get frustrated with her, but jeez.

 - Sleep / Fitbit - Definitely fell asleep in front of the TV last night. Also woke up in the middle of the night for bathroom and water refill. That's uncommon, normally I'm too tired to get up and I just suffer until morning.

10 hours 51 minutes, 5x awake, 20 times restless, 68 minutes awake/restless. Sleep Schedule down at 8:42 PM, up at 8:41 AM.

 - Fur-babies - Nothing new to report.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

I'm a bit worried that one of my teeth is developing some sensitivity. Like I must have a good sized cavity or something. I can't stand dentists because they fucking HURT and I can't take the pain. My teeth are in terrible disrepair because of it and I don't know what to do. I wish I could find a dentist that didn't torture me to get things taken care of.  :(

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - We've talked a few times over the weekend. Nothing special or earth shattering. Just the usual wishing he would come home and missing him. He talks about work. Sometimes he'll bitch a little bit about the elder abomination or the screeching harpy… but, really… nothing much changes.

 - The Unicorn - We had a great time this weekend!!

Friday night we watched the season finales for Season 5 of Buffy and Season 2 of Angel. So, she got to watch Buffy die and she was super curious about how Buffy was going to manage to come back from that.

She'd been camping all last week, so she wanted somewhere soft to sleep. So, she slept next to me. Thankfully she went down easy that night. Most nights she doesn't go down easy at all.

Saturday morning she was a little bit of a pest, but that' okay. I don't mind so much. I was just in a hurry to be ready to go when the Blue Falcon called. Turns out my panic was totally unwarranted. He wasn't even ready for us before 2 PM and we had plenty of time to be ready for him.

So, we spent Saturday afternoon with the Blue Falcon. He introduced her to a cute video game called Grow Home, where she got to play this adorable little robot growing plants and shit. She took quite a liking to capturing sheep and trapping them in the teleporters. We ate dinner there and then the Blue Falcon had us home by about 8PM.

The Unicorn went back to her anime and then I dozed off in front of a horror movie until bedtime.

She tossed and turned like an egg beater until I suggested that she grab the chromebook and take that out to the living room. That way she could watch more anime if she wasn't ready to sleep yet. So, she left, and I slept.

Sunday morning I was in for a heart breaking surprise when I got up to get my coffee though. She'd left to sleep on the couch, but she didn't take the chromebook. She'd let me kick her out of bed!!

I felt so bad! - but then she woke up and told me it was no big deal after I apologized profusely.

So, there I was, in the bedroom and watching a horror movie on the chromebook while I drank my coffee and she woke up and came in to join me. She got there right before the creepy stuff started to happen! So she sat next to me and we watched the rest of it together.

Glorious mother/daughter bonding time.

After the movie she told me she wanted to watch an episode or two of anime and then she'd join me in the living room to kick off Seasons 6/3 of Buffy/Angel.


And that was our Sunday!

We barely left the Hulu.

She got hungry for eggs and kept fucking them up, though… so it took some time and me eating a few of her fails to get that sorted.

She went home and we were both sad… but next time she comes back it's going to be a little over two-weeks worth of a staycation and we're road tripping with the Blue Falcon right in the middle of that!!

Can not fucking wait!!

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bio's there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters - Yeah, sorry for the dry spell lately!! Date today though… so, we'll see how it goes.

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - Saturday then, was the third day in a row that I spent with the Blue Falcon. I think it was a little much for him. He was definitely feeling the introvert overwhelm by the time he was ready to take the Unicorn and I home on Saturday night.

I absolutely love his new place. Even if being on the third floor and all the way down a long hallway is a little rough on me, it's great. He's the end unit, so he has windows on three sides.

I mostly spent my time watching the Unicorn play that cute game. I helped unpack a few boxes (way less than I would have liked, but it got him to the stage of unpacked where he was comfortable, so whatever). I helped him make dinner too.

Also, CATS!!

He had to bounce out to the grocery store and a target to pick up vegetables and pot holders to make dinner, and one of his cats actually came up into my lap to get cuddles.

He's a great Catdqad (he says he's a Catmom). It was obvious that his furbabies MISSED him!!! They'd barely seen him at all in the past month, so finally getting some time with him was something they both needed.

Dinner was great. Kind of boxed meal sort of bachelor dinner, but okay. Salmon, Pasta, and Veggies. I helped him cook, clean up…

Fuck me… it was just so great being domestic with him. I love him so much.

I left him alone all day yesterday, though. Even though I kept wanting to text him and check in on him.

I'm probably going to hold off on any contact until he contacts me… that's going to be hard… I keep wanting to reach out to him, but right now I feel like he needs his space and he needs time to acclimate to his new surroundings.

The Unicorn is with me on the 18th, so I'll just drop a note on him and let him know when we're getting close to our naked snuggle cut off. Hopefully I get some alone time with him…

Any alone time with him is sacred because I don't know how much alone time I have left with him before I'll have to give him up.


We'll see.

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - Oh my fucking god… remember that really bad first date with the guy who was a TERRIBLE first date? Yeah, the one who totally failed in the first two precepts of being a sweetie. Couldn't carry a conversation in a bucket and spent at least a half an hour ignoring me and looking at social media on his phone before he left. Whole date lasted like 2 hours when originally he'd made noises about spending the night? Yeah, that one.

Okay, beyond the initial whiplash of his leaving and then 45 minutes later him texting me and saying he wanted to worship my feet?

Ye fucking gods… get this… now he's messaged me with frowny faces over the fact that I can't get pregnant.


Turns out he's got some crazy breeder fetish and he wants to cum inside me and knock me up.


Welcome to my block list buddy!

 - The Hopefuls - Also… and I might be being to harsh on this one… but I have boundaries. And when I clearly state those boundaries and they're not respected, I get pretty pissed off and I reach for that block button fairly quickly. Now, maybe the guy is just over excited… maybe I wasn't clear enough about my boundaries… I don't fucking know.


EVERY GUY SHOULD KNOW - when a girl says "PLEASE NO" to the unsolicited cock pic, you don't send her a picture of your fucking cock. I don't care how proud of it you fucking are.

So, you too!

Welcome to my block list. Fuck off and have a nice day!

 - Honorable Mentions - I saw this super cute video on Facebook with this little girl in a pink rain coat and goulashes, with her little pink rod and reel… pulling in a fish so big she couldn't even hold it up for a picture once she caught it… and my heart just burst…

All I could think of was Pathfinder, and the beautiful little girl that's in his life now.

This is his future.

I'm so happy that he's so blessed.

End Notes:

Okay… time to wrap up… Post hurricane Unicorn mess to pick up… shower to take…

I need to be ready to be naughty too.

(lol, no, you don't get to ask why)

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