Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Wait, what's normal again?

Sorry for not updating yesterday… I was still so wiped out from the road trip that I could barely even move!!

Today is kinda fucked too. My coffee maker isn't working because it needs to be descaled again.

Thankfully I slept most of yesterday and got a full night of sleep last night, so I'm actually awake on only half a cup of coffee.

I digress.

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - You are not going to believe how sweet the Blue Falcon is. He had the day off yesterday because we weren't sure if we were going to take Monday night in a hotel or not. And he knew that therapy was yesterday and that I needed to be back in time for it. So, one of the things I'd said was that if we got into town close to 2 PM, he could just COME WITH ME to therapy. Hell I knew Valkyrie would love to meet him, right?

We ended up driving straight home, but the Blue Falcon wanted to come with me to therapy anyway, especially because I was a little emotional about introducing him to a girl.


A girl flitted across my radar and I knew they were both single and possibly compatibly weird, and I knew it would be WRONG to not make them aware of each other. So, I introduced them (online only so far, but it will go into real space pretty soon, I'm sure).

Anyway, so I'm practically signing my own death warrant here. Bran isn't back yet and I have no back up sweeties and here I am introducing the Blue Falcon to the girl who could possibly take him away from me!

So, we discussed that with Valkyrie… but that took less than 10 minutes of the session, LOL.

The Blue Falcon was amazed and how FAST Valkyrie and I do the WORK when work needs to be done, and the rest of the time we were just giggling and talking about funny shit. We might have even converted him into wanting to watch Supernatural, LOL. It's too early to tell. He'd still have to survive season one.

They really enjoyed meeting each other.

After that I needed to see my case worker and do a quick grocery run… then I slept for like the whole rest of the day… I must have really needed it.

 - Writing - During the eclipse, the Unicorn wished to banish my writer's block… hopefully it worked… during the next few days we'll find out. If some ghost stories start brewing, we'll see some movement.

 - Reading - Ye Gods… the pain… The book I'm reading right now is basically this collection of short sexual fantasies that obviously never saw an editor or a single beta reader. Some of the grammatical errors are so fucking glaring it's painful. But, other than that the stories aren't bad. I just wish she would have work shopped them somewhere like Scribophile before she'd published them.

 - Sleep / Fitbit - 13 hours even… 6x awake, 27x restless, 82 minutes awake/restless
 - Fur-babies -

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

Yeah, not today.

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - I didn't hear from him at all during the entire road trip. A few snaps, yes. But other than that, nothing… granted I was without cell service for most of the time… but shit… I really miss him.

The Blue Falcon is constantly reminding me that in the span of time that Bran and I have been together, a year of separation isn't that terrible… Yes, it feels terrible… but it's not so bad and he IS coming back.

Bran gets the gold star in the 'how to talk to a Borderline'.

 - The Unicorn - She's awake and sitting right next to me… I'm not going to be able to get much more of an entry in here today.

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bios there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters - Not until September.

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - OMG he came with me to therapy!!!

Love him so fucking much!

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - Nothing…
 - The Hopefuls - … new to…
 - Honorable Mentions - … report.

End Notes:

Okay… gotta go.

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