Friday, August 4, 2017

With every breath...

So, I got to help the Blue Falcon a little bit yesterday and it was divine. We capped it off with some snuggles.  :)  The full report will be in his section below.

Other than that, nothing really eventful happened yesterday. It was mostly just all about him.

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - / - Writing - This was skipped yesterday. No time. The Blue Falcon picked me up kinda early in the day.

 - Sleep / Fitbit - Once again, we're pulling in the hours where I was dozing on the couch and watching horror movies: 11 hours 16 minutes, 4x awake, 25x restless, 61 minutes awake/restless… Yeah, I know how off that is, but I was really resting at that time.

 - Fur-babies - Nothing new to report.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Exercise/Yoga - I definitely got my steps in yesterday, which I always tend to do when I'm with the Blue Falcon. And now with him living closer, I know he's going to be making a special project out of me. Which, he honestly needs!! That man isn't happy unless he's going out of his way to help someone and it sickens me how many people have taken advantage of his kindness in that regard. So, I really don't mind him making a project out of me.

He's going to get me exercising more, and I'm just fine with that. I need the motivation and I exercise more/better when I have someone to impress anyway. I need the constant influx of positive reinforcement to keep me going and I know he'll do exactly that.

So, it's all good.

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - The Blue Falcon and I were just heading into the grocery store yesterday when Bran called. That got awkward fast because I really had to pee and I couldn't do it one handed, so we just shopped for the 3 things we needed to get and left the store. I got a little short with Bran too because he questioned my cheese choice. *sigh* Sometimes he doesn't get me. I ended up leaving the store without having peed, but we were heading right back to my place, so it was okay.

Then Bran got off work late, just as I was going to bed and I missed out on talking to him. Which is the total suck.

Hopefully we'll get to talk this morning soon though and we can smooth everything over again.

 - The Unicorn - We should be finishing season 5 of Buffy tonight!!!

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bio's there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters - Nothing new to report.

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - Omg… where do I even start? Any time spent with him is such valuable time… especially since I don't know how much of this 'sweetie time' I have left with him. As soon as he's all settled, I'm going to be helping him with his OKC profile and we're going to work on getting him a girlfriend… that means we slip into platonic space. Which I know I'm going to hate, but it's important for any Cougar to know when her cub has outgrown her, and I went into this with the Blue Falcon knowing it was always intended to be a temporary thing.

Anyway, so he picked me up at noon and we headed over to the new place to look at the layout. He was originally worried that he wouldn't have enough room for his dining table. No worries, he has a full dining area. There's enough room, no problem. Then he had me man the front door while he moved some boxes in.

No elevator, by the way, and he's on the third floor. So, that's going to be the suck when I go to see him… hopefully his making me a project will get me better about taking stairs? We'll see.

Boxes unloaded, we decided to check out the local '50's Diner'. UGH! The Food was WAY overpriced for such substandard quality. We won't be making that mistake again.

Then to the old place where I helped him pack up his kitchen. Funny thing, I was using the boxes and newspapers that I had saved for him.  :)  So, that was fun. We got a lot done in a short amount of time.

We ran my errands. I needed to stop at Trader Joe's for some more Green Dragon hot sauce, and then I needed to hit a grocery store for plastic spoons and pepper jack cheese slices. Both in preparation for the Unicorn to be staying with me for two weeks in the end of August.

Back to my place.


He complimented me on my soft touch again. He really loves the way I touch him. I told him that I get complimented on my touch a lot by other guys too and he told me that it's deserved. *swoon*.

His mind was pretty scattered, though. It had been all day. I was mostly just trying to settle him down. He was so stressed and overwhelmed. *sigh* It won't be for much longer, though. Once he's all settled in his new place, it will all be fine. More real snuggles will happen for as long as they can happen before we slip into platonic.

I DID tell him more of my stance on why it's so important for me to be able to let him go when that time comes, and he totally understands.


I also told him that if any of his relationships implode I'll be just as comfortable slipping back out of platonic with him.

I didn't even finish voicing the thought before he was nodding and making agreement noises at me. Like it hadn't even been a question in his mind, not for one second, that we'd stay platonic if he wasn't in a relationship.

I wanted to make sure that he knew that wouldn't be emotionally confusing for me. I was worried that would be something that would worry him.

Yeah, he's not worried.

Any time he's not in a relationship, he's in sweetie mode, he pretty much set that in stone.

He also made it clear that no girlfriend/fiancé/wife of his will be allowed to drive a wedge between us. He's going to be my friend, no matter what, and if his partner doesn't like it, she can suck it the fuck up because he's not leaving my life for any reason.

Nuff said.

Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - Nothing…
 - The Hopefuls - … new to…
 - Honorable Mentions - … report.

End Notes:

All in all, I DID have a great time yesterday. Even though it was mostly busy work and the Blue Falcon was super scatter brained and not really with me. I just enjoy my time with him so much and I intend to milk every moment I have left with him.

I love him with every breath in my body.

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