Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The Raven Boy...

Barely on second coffee and I've already had a lovely chat with Bran this morning. I'm not sure why he was heading into town so early, but it was a great way to start the day. We didn't really get to chat on his commute home last night, so this sort of felt like it made up for it.

I think he's going to call back before he starts work, but I'm not sure. Something might tie him up.

Still, it was a good start to the day.

Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - Therapy - I had a lovely chat with Valkyrie yesterday. She's been re-watching select 'funny' episodes of Supernatural to fill the show hole. She's one step closer to being one of us. Pretty soon she'll be watching the whole series again while she's in the hole. Her conversion is almost complete.

I did say hi to her from Pathfinder. Se smiled and said hi back.

She had more of an emotional reaction to the Blue Falcon's 'I love you' than I did. She made a pretty big deal about it even though I was still trying not to. She was just as shocked as I was, that's for sure, but she was really amazed that he got there with me.

This still doesn't mean any changes for the trajectory of our relationship, though. As a Cougar, I recognize that my cub has grown and reached his nesting phase. He's ready to be a husband and a father and that's a life that I can not give him. This is the part in every Cougar's life where it's time to let go.

The sexual relationship just isn't needed anymore.

It's still hard. It still hurts. It's still going to suck. But, it's the right thing to do.

Thankfully there's no one even blipping the Blue Falcon's radar yet, so I've still got some time with him. Maybe even some time to weasel out a few more 'I love you's' out of him.

Valkyrie also listened to my current battle plan on overcoming the writers block. She's pretty amused and amazed that I prepared for this. Exactly this. The fact that I've kept these journals for as long as I have, just so I would have pain to look back on if I ever reached a point in my life where I was healed enough to not be able to reach it on my own anymore.

She finds it funny that I planned ahead, specifically using the words 'harvest the pain'. For some reason it just gives her the giggles. But she loves it.

She loves the crap outta me, you know that?

It's shit like this… my journal of painful memories to look back on if I ever need it… it's things like this that are the reason why our sessions make her week. She literally can't survive without hearing what I've come up with next and watching me go through my ups and downs… joining me on my journeys… she loves it…

I have the most rock star therapist.

 - Writing - So, it's a really slow process on the whole writers block thing. I'm only reading one of Geminae's crits a day and I'm making notes on the BIGGER changes that he would like to see. Just so it's less strain on me and I'm not pushing myself to be really creative right there on the spot.

I'm supposed to be using the rest of my productive hours to write critiques and possibly work on some Ghost Story installments, but we've hit the Tuesday/Wednesday holes where I have places to be during the day and the productive hours are squashed.

Tomorrow I'm not going to be getting back to it either because I'll be helping out the Blue Falcon with some packing and moving, or unpacking and settling… I'm not sure which. But he asked for me and dammit I'm going to fucking be there!!

Friday might see it happen, but the formula will be short lived because the Unicorn is with me this weekend and I don't dare try to work with her here.

Next week looks promising, though…

I'll let you know how it goes.

 - Sleep / Fitbit - Got to bed late again… stupid horror movie addiction. *pout* (hit the snooze for half an hour this morning too… was tempted to go longer but forced myself out of bed) …

7 hours 32 minutes, 3x awake, 14x restless, 39 minutes awake/restless…

Eventually I'll get back on top of having a regular sleep schedule again… it's just my shitty self discipline that's holding me back.

 - Fur-babies - Catmom was desperate yesterday. She had shit to do and both Dreamy and Splotches were really antsy and driving her crazy. So, she brought them over, hoping I could calm them down. Neither cat requested snuggles, but just being in my apartment has the same effect on them. They love it here. It settled them down right away. Catmom was very thankful.

She says it's magic… but I know it's just the positive energy that I put into my environment that the cats can sense. They know it's good here.

Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:

 - INR - Test today… I'm back to eating the ramen with the Green Dragon hot sauce, so I adjusted my meds back to normal too. Hopefully I'll get out of there without an extra puncture wound today.

 - Nervous System - Adjustment today. I'm looking forward to it.

 - Exercise/Yoga - The Blue Falcon will be getting on top of me more about this once I have my iron supplements and I'm not getting light headed anymore.

Relationships / Family:

 - Bran - He was very sweet and fed my sadistic soul this morning. He told me all about the very recent, complete and total meltdown that _she_ had. She's going on and on about how he doesn't help more with the demon hell-spawn.

I love it that he makes her so miserable.

I love it even more that he's so over this whole 'dad' thing. At least where those abominations are concerned. He still regards the Unicorn as his step-daughter and he'll take care of her no questions asked.

But _her_ kids… he's over it.

We talked last night for a little bit about another good experience he had at work. Yet another promotion that they're talking about for him that will make the other promotion more likely and also increase his chances of coming home sooner rather than later.

Pretty soon… we don't know when… but pretty soon, this will all be behind him.

_Her_ and her demon hell-spawn will not be his problem anymore and absolutely no one cares what happens to _her_ then.

I'm pretty sure she'll go back to her parents and then emotionally/mentally/spiritually she's going to hit bottom so hard it will nearly kill her.

But it won't kill her.

She'll grow.

Maybe she'll even grow up enough to realize what she did wrong and I might get a real apology someday, but I doubt it.

She'll have to grow, though. For her kids sake. She'll have to move on from Bran.

Time will tell.

 - The Unicorn - Nothing new to report.

Relationships / Sweeties:

[ If you're a reader and having trouble keeping the code named sweeties straight, look up above this entry and below the header. There's a link to a list of names/bio's there. - this is a work in progress, so if you're a sweetie and you don't see your name listed, don't worry, I'll get to you. ]

 - Recent Encounters - I was supposed to have a date last night and this time it's my fault that it didn't happen. I can't go into details, but I was needed elsewhere.

 - Updates on Favorites -

 - Blue Falcon - I know that tomorrow is a 'busy things' day for us. I'm going to be there to help… but fuck me I want naked snuggles.

I want him to slip again and say he loves me.

Shut up.

I still fully intend to let him go. Don't worry. It's fine.

I just want him to miss it a little bit when the 'sweetie' part of our relationship is done.


Yes, okay…

I want him to miss it a lot.



Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:

 - The One Timers - Nothing new…
 - The Hopefuls - … to report.

- Honorable Mentions - The one dude who totally stood me up thinking I was going to kill him is still sniffing around… he just sent me this long fantasy about how he imagines our first date would go.

*sigh* whatever… I'm not going to lie, it's a nice fantasy. At least the rough sex part of it. But, I don't know. I just have zero interest here.

I think this all loops back around to something else the Valkyrie said to me yesterday.

She says I'm being fed in other ways right now and that I don't exactly need the physical companionship or the sex to feed right this second, so the calls are backing off.

She's totally right. Hell Pathfinder can feed me from miles away just by thinking about me.

I guess, now that I know how good things can be… I'm not willing to settle for less than what I deserve.

I just updated this guys message tone to Dean saying 'Don't objectify me'. - LOL, finally someone where that one fits!

End Notes:

Bran should be at work now… so I didn't get that second call after all.

It's okay. This is how it is with him sometimes. He says he'll call back in two seconds and it never happens. He just has shit to take care of on his end. It's okay.

This is going to be over soon… I can feel it…

And then he and I start over too.

After about a year apart, give or take, we're going to need to get used to each other again. He'll be de-stressing over not having those hell-spawn or a screeching harpy to deal with. And I'm going to have to get used to sharing my space with someone again.

I will also have to get used to losing a significant amount of my freedom. I won't be able to play with just whomever, whenever anymore.

Maybe I won't need the sweeties/cubs…


But I really just want at least 'one' side relationship that's like what I have with the Blue Falcon, and I want it to last for a long time before I have to let it go.

That's not too much to ask… is it?

Still… one would hope that once I have my Raven Boy (Bran) back, I won't need the sweeties anymore.

One would hope.

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