Thursday, November 16, 2017

I’m good with that.

Today is shaping up to be a good day.
  • Accidentally slept in an extra half hour.
  • Incorrectly programmed the coffee maker last night, so I had to wait for coffee.
  • Dreamy came over during Coffee and Contemplation.
  • Bran called (yay!)
  • Got some E-mail taken care of.
  • Went grocery shopping.
  • Home now, will shower after this entry and get ready to see the Blue Falcon tonight.
  • OH! And I got the pizza to fit in the freezer!!
I’m fully awake now, which is good. I'm also texting with the Unicorn's father about an administrative issue that should have been taken care of. He's actually being polite and agreeing with me.
That's probably the weirdest thing, right there.
There's so much distance between us and our failed relationship that we're actually capable of being civil to each other now. Don't get me wrong. I know we still hate each other. But, we just don't seem to feel it necessary to show it on the surface anymore.
I’m good with that.
Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Therapy – Slight anxiety spike today. Bran is making noises about a job opportunity that would still keep him from me. I'm also kinda frustrated/angry that he'd even consider it. After this last year of hell... how could he do that to me?
The anxiety spike might have been the trigger that got me spending more money on sweets than should have reasonably been allowed. I got myself a box of snack cakes, 2 packages of cookies, and 3 cake mixes... This is probably a really bad thing. I'm pretty sure that was comfort food shopping at it's finest.
Now I just have to work on restraining myself.
Stupid anxiety.
- Writing – I'm not going to be able to get back to this until Monday. It's a thing with me... the whole Order of Operations. Writing happens at a specific time/task point and if my day is derailed by having to leave the house for any reason. Or having someone over to visit. The writing doesn't happen. Today it was grocery shopping. Tomorrow it's visiting with a friend over the noon hour. The weekend the Unicorn will be here, so, my apologies: Monday I'll throw down that sex scene.
- Reading – I got a little reading done during my waiting room time yesterday... to be honest, I’m not impressed. Handmaid's Tale is still too prose-y for me. I'm also noticing a few grammar errors in Veil of Darkness. *shrug* I don't know... for some reason I just expected better out of Veil. Although I'm getting the feeling that the composition of it was a bit rushed and that not a lot of time was put into editing and proof reading. This saddens me.
Have pride in your product, please.
Don't just put out something sub-standard to make a quick buck.
- Sleep / Fitbit -  Hmm... once again we've pulled in TV time as sleep time... only by an hour of offset, but I don't know how much else that screwed up.
- Fur-babies – Dreamy and I seem to have fallen into a routine. After his morning walk he has Catmom knock on my door. He might be a little antsy at first, but soon he'll take the spot next to me on the bed and lay down for some hard purring before he eventually closes his eyes and takes a short nap.  
Catmom seems to have adapted to this routine as well. This morning she gave him an hour instead of checking on him in 30 minutes. He was rested and ready to go home at that point, so it all worked out really well.
I love the Cat Therapy. It's so good for me. Dreamy loves it too. This is his special place to come and relax for a bit, takes the fight right out of him and gets him all mellow.  
I love it.
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Weight Management – All those extra sweets that I bought, and no exercise on the horizon... not good in the weight loss department, I'm sure.
However – Bran is coming home – I'm going to have a talk with him about the DDP Yoga and getting the proper help that I need with motivation and such.
I think it will work out.
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – He's cutting it very close, but like he said, he likes a little tension in his life.  
He has to be out of his place by Monday (today is Thursday) - So, he may just end up on my doorstep this very weekend.  
He seems to have done a 'soft pull' on the Plan-B lever. I guess he's trying to minimize the damage of actually telling the Screeching Harpy that it's time to part ways.
This is only going to make it harder on her when he actually leaves. Especially if he doesn't really cut the cord with her, which he probably won't. He'll probably leave her with some sort of lingering hope that he's somehow going to come back to her at some point.
On some level, I know I should feel sorry for her.
On every other level, I know she's getting exactly what's coming to her.
His 'kindness' is the most cruel thing he could ever grace her with. It's only going to keep her grasping for him and some sort of future that she's never going to have. So, instead of getting her heart broken and growing up and moving the fuck on, she's just going to steep in the misery of trying to get him back.
Who knows how long he's going to play that hand...
But, she deserves it.
She deserves pain.
Karma, bitch.
Watch who you try to destroy next time.
- The Unicorn – I did remember to call her last night, but as it turns out the health class movie is actually TODAY – so now I'm calling her tonight. I'll let you know how it goes.
Relationships / Sweeties:
[ I took out the section on sweetie bio's, the whole 'sweetie' thing never really worked out. I only ended up with a bunch of one night stands. I'm giving up on sweeties. ]
- Recent Encounters – Nothing new to report.
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon – Can't wait to see him tonight!!!
- Sweeties -
- Bear - Nothing new to report.
- Rain - Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Just Friends:
Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:
- The One-Timers – Nothing...
- The Hopefuls - … new to...
- Honorable Mentions - … report.
End Notes:  

Time to get moving. Places to be and all that.

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