Monday, November 6, 2017

This isn't good...

Kicked off the morning with coffee and The Walking Dead. Feels like I'm the walking dead. Last night I chalked it up to eating too much of my comfort food cake, how I kept dozing off while I was trying to watch something on Netflix. I’m still going to have to go back and re-watch an episode of Slasher to make sure I didn't miss anything.
Then, this morning, I could barely even drag myself out of bed. I snoozed an extra 5 minutes before I got up to get coffee. Then I set up to watch The Walking Dead while it cooled, and behold, I start dozing off again.  
Pretty soon I was drinking the coffee, but even that didn't seem to be perking me up yet. That's when Bran called. Talking to him while I finished my first cup seemed to help.
I made it to somewhat functional through the second cup.
Final coffee is cooling now...  
How boring is that? I opened with talking about how tired I am.
Sometimes I wonder why I even bother.
It's just that yesterday's events weren't that much to write about. The Unicorn spent her day watching Anime and I spent my day getting caught up on my shows. No big deal there.
Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Therapy – I remain 'okay' - no major ups or downs. There's a possibility for some tag team cuddles tonight... but I'm still expecting to be just 'okay'. I think Bran has to come home for me to get 'good'.
- Writing – Still on Hold.
- Reading – I seriously planned on trying to do some reading yesterday, but somethings been OFF about my tablet lately. It turns on without provocation and then chews up its battery life and spits it back out again. It's really starting to piss me off.
- Sleep / Fitbit – 8 hours 7 minutes, 3x awake, 17x restless, 55 minutes awake/restless.
- Fur-babies – Nothing new to report.
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – Right, so we talked a little bit this morning, but we didn't discuss the topic of his homecoming. We're going to have to soon, though. In order for his job to travel with him, he's going to have to set up the internet and phone here before he comes home. I can't afford it, and it has to be in his name.  
He's going to have to get on top of this soon. And I'll feel infinitely better when he does. It will be like 'Now I KNOW he's coming home'. Otherwise he wouldn't waste that kind of money.
That little bit of reassurance would really go a long way with me.
- The Unicorn – I hope she was able to sleep okay last night and that she didn't have any bad dreams. Thankfully I was wrong about her father. Turns out he would let her sleep with him if she were freaking out. So, there's that as a good thing. And she and I will get back to normal on her next visit. Back to Voltron and Angel... it will be great.
Relationships / Sweeties:
[ I took out the section on sweetie bio's, the whole 'sweetie' thing never really worked out. I only ended up with a bunch of one night stands. I'm giving up on sweeties. ]
- Recent Encounters – Nothing new to report.
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon – I received a brief note from him yesterday, apologizing for not being able to come over and hang with the Unicorn. I told him it was cool and she'd understand. Plus she needed yesterday as a pallet cleanser with her anime anyway.
I do hope I see him soon, though. He should have received that Window's Key for me by now.  *hmmm*
- Sweeties -
- Bear – He *almost* came over last night, but it was going on 10:30 when he was free and I reminded him that 11 is my usual bed time, so we're going to try again tonight. I have plans during the day today, but I'll let him know when I'm free.
- Rain – Speaking of plans... I need to finish this entry and get in the shower. Rain is going to be here in a few hours. I believe Supernatural is on the menu, but his primary interest is the Snuggle-Fuck. I'm more than okay with that.
Relationships / Just Friends:
Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:
- The One-Timers – Nothing...
- The Hopefuls - … new to...
- Honorable Mentions - … report.
End Notes:  
Almost done with final coffee here... So, I'm perked up enough that I wouldn't dose off if I were watching something... but I’m still pretty tired.
This isn't good...
I feel like something's wrong, but I don't know what it could be.

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