Tuesday, November 14, 2017

I'm trying to be gentle but pushy...

I started today with Coffee and Contemplation. Not because I had a show that I absolutely needed to see the next episode of (although I do really like The Good Doctor), but because I had a horrible struggle trying to drag myself out of bed this morning. I felt like I needed the extra time to caffeinate before I got started on my day.
I have no Valkyrie today because she's out of the office. She would have rescheduled me for tomorrow, but I need to go in for my weekly INR. An INR that might not happen because for some stupid reason my phone has been shut off. I have my case worker looking into this, but unfortunately these things take time and I have surrendered control over what happens with my phone. My internet is due too... I hate not being in control over my own shit. Thankfully internet will be Bran's deal when he gets back. One less thing for me to worry about.
So, I'll probably end up with nowhere to go tomorrow.
This sucks.
I'm trying to be gentle but pushy with my case worker because even though I've missed INR's before, It really isn't in my best interests to miss them. I am at risk for complications of my non-specific clotting disorder if my medication is off by even a little bit.
No, this no phone thing simply will not do.
Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Therapy – As previously mentioned, there's no Valkyrie today. Which is fine. I'm actually hoping to finish The Real You by next week so I can bring that to her. We'll see if I can start tiding her over with Ghost Stories before I’m ready to jump back into Torvus.
My symptoms continue to remain low, my optimism continues to remain high. I'm not going to call me good until Bran comes back, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel like I was really getting there.
- Writing – Two days in a row, One-Thousand words. I should have time to put in another 1K today. My speed is improving as well. The first time it took me almost the full hour, the second time only 37 minutes. I should be able to beat it back to 20-30 minutes in no time. Probably today if I'm lucky.  :)
After I’m done with The Real You, I'm going to research Short Story Beat Sheets and I'll see if I'm on track with it or if I need to edit and make some adjustments. Then I might just push this one to Scribophile, I don't really know... I have other shorts that I could probably push too.
Actually – no – I'm going to save my Karma for Torvus. I've worked hard to accumulate it.  
I just need a Window's key and Bran to come home. Then I’m going to see if I can start working my magic with Torvus again.
- Reading – Meh...
- Sleep / Fitbit – 8 hours 43 minutes, 1x awake, 9x restless, 17 minutes awake/restless - so why the fuck did I have to hit my snooze for 45 minutes instead of only 30 today? What the fuck body?
- Fur-babies – Dreamy is flopped down right on the other side of the laptop right now. I’m in my bedroom sitting on my bed because my writing chair is broken and I've been staying in my bedroom because it's more comfortable. He likes being close to me and just crashing out for a cat nap. Purrs his little heart out the whole time he's with me. We have good energy together.  
He didn't cuddle, though, so I’m not sure if that counts as Cat Therapy or not.
I know it counts as Human Therapy to him. He likes the calm vibe that I provide. I'm just not sure that it goes both ways if he doesn't cuddle.
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – I have news... like real news.
We talked for a fair amount last night because he had a long errand to run. I asked him if he had an ETA on when he might pull the lever on Plan-B, he said this coming Thursday or Friday. As in 'day after tomorrow, or the next day'. I guess things are starting to cut close to when he needs to be out of his current residence. So, it's time to make this a thing.
He was able to settle the mojo with the Internet/Phone too. From the moment he makes that call, he can have that up and running at my place within a couple of days.
Screeching Harpy has been given a fair shot at a Plan-B as well. She's been offered a place to live and a place to work. Bran doesn't have to worry about her. She'll be fine in terms of housing/employment/kids being taken care of.
It's just the emotional wounds of losing him that might take some time for her to adjust to.
We're not worried about this.
We know she deserves it for the shit she pulled.
Unfortunately, we also know she's going to blame the elder abomination entirely for Bran's departure. She'll never take any kind of responsibility for her part in things going wrong. She's a child.
She has a lot of growing up to do.
- The Unicorn – I have it on my calendar with a notification to call her tomorrow. Her health class has been doing a lot of work on researching diseases and how they spread, so the class is going to be watching the movie Contagion. GOOD FUCKING MOVIE!! But the parents received an email warning us that the graphic images of people dying may be difficult for some of the students to digest, so I'm going to call the Unicorn tomorrow after school just to check in on her and make sure she's okay.
After the winter holiday observed, I'm not going to worry about her having nightmares anymore. She'll have Cthulhu to watch over her as she sleeps.
Because that's how much I fucking rock.
Relationships / Sweeties:
[ I took out the section on sweetie bio's, the whole 'sweetie' thing never really worked out. I only ended up with a bunch of one night stands. I'm giving up on sweeties. ]
- Recent Encounters – So, I got double stood up last night, LOL! - I had a date down with a newbie, but I was going to blow him off anyway because Bear was going to come over instead. I was pretty sure the newbie was just going to be a one-night-stand and you know me, that kinda 'meh' just isn't in my favor these days.
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon – In allowing myself to express just a little bit of neediness, I checked in with the Blue Falcon and asked if he had any spare time for more cuddles this week.  
I know, I know, I've been working so hard to back off... but now I'm starting to feel like I've backed off a little too much.
We're cuddling on Thursday.
All is well.
- Sweeties -
- Bear – So, yeah. Bear told me he was going to hang out with friends yesterday, but then after that he was going to come over and Dollhouse with me.  
Nothing... not even a text to say he wasn't going to make it.
I'm not upset!! I know he probably just got caught up in something, so I’m really NOT upset at all. I don't own him. He has a life outside of his relationship with me and he has the right to live it.
I'm sure I'll see him again soon.
- Rain – Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Just Friends:
Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:
- The One-Timers – Nothing...
- The Hopefuls - … new to...
- Honorable Mentions - … report.
^^ I think this section is going to be completely taken out when Bran comes back. I'm going to disable/remove my OKC and FetLife profiles.
No more new dates/sweeties.
I'm going to be content with what I have.
End Notes:  
Coffee's done.
Dreamy's Catmom just came to check on him, but she said he looks so peaceful that she doesn't want to disturb him. I don't have anywhere to be for a while, so it's fine by me if he wants to stay a bit longer.
Good cat energy.

I guess I'll mark it down as a Cat Therapy after all.

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