Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The end of the 'push button, get coffee' era...

Don't take this the wrong way, but, I've actually been reconsidering the whole Keurig situation. No, this has nothing to do with politics. This has to do with my own experiences regarding the use of a Keurig and my own acknowledgment of the environmental impact of K-Cups. I've been aware for some time now that the inventor of the Keurig himself is damn near suicidal over what he's done to landfills everywhere.
Recently my own Keurig began to slowly break down due to hard water build up that no amount of descaling could combat. However, I had a back up coffee maker. A 'Flex Brew' system that would do a K-Cup or a Carafe of grounds. Problem solved?
I couldn't get the K-Cup side to work.  
Then, in a stroke of genius one night, I decided to check the Google's for a trouble shoot and I learned the problem. Problem solved?
Turns out the construction of the machine is flawed in a major way. I would literally have to clean and flush the K-Cup side every time I wanted to use it. And cleaning it is impossible while the machine is still hot from recent use, because OW! Burning hot water.
This is no longer the 'push button, get coffee' technology that I've come to know and love.
And yet, using the Carafe side, especially after modifying my bullet blender into a coffee grinder, has reacquainted me with the incredible joy of fresh ground beans. Also, it's programable. So, instead of 'push button, get coffee' it's 'wake up, get coffee'. This is the kind of change that I can really live with.
I also took into consideration how much I love and MISS French Press coffee.
All these options cost hundreds of dollars less than replacing my Keurig.
So, that leaves only one question.
What do I do with the hundred or so K-Cups that I have left?
Well, for that I give you mornings like today, where I stayed up stupid late last night and don't mind an extra cup of caffeine to get me going.  
I've already drank my Carafe. I've already cleaned and flushed the K-Cup side... now, for a little bit of 'push button, get coffee.'  
Slowly but surely, my surplus of unused K-Cups will dwindle, and then I have nothing left to worry about. I'll still keep the Flex Brew because using the K-Cup side is still a great way to get super heated water for French Press coffee or tea. :)
All good here.
Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Therapy – Still noticing marked improvement in all areas of mental health issues. I know it's all due to Bran coming home, but I'm not jumping any guns, yet. His homecoming, while heralding a new era in self improvement, will also bring with it fresh challenges. For example, some sweeties might end up taking the fall. I'm not too worried about Rain, as I've not yet developed any fresh emotional attachment to him.  
But, Bear on the other hand. Well I just admitted to him last night that I love him.
He doesn't have the ability to host, and when Bran comes back my hosting will grind to a screeching stop. So, I don't know how Bear and I will work out seeing each other.
I know you're probably thinking 'why should I care?', I'll have my husband back, I shouldn't need sweeties.
Well, it's all a matter of personal honor.  
Sweeties like Bear and the Blue Falcon got me through the worst of Bran being gone. What kind of person would I be if I just dropped them because I didn't need them anymore? It's not about whether or not I need them. It's about them still needing me.
The Blue Falcon would be just fine if we were platonic... but Bear... he needs to be with someone who will appreciate him and give back. He deserves that more than anyone I've ever met in my life.
So... yeah... depression, anxiety, emotional regulation... I'm all good because Bran IS coming home, finally.
But I want my sweeties to be okay too.
- Writing - I'm really getting somewhere with the most recent Ghost Story: The Real You. Yesterday I just kicked off the sex scene. But, that's brought on another challenge. I know that I want the next section to end at the end of a/the sex scene, so that means I have to fill up one-thousand words with just sex.  
I think I know how I'm going to pull it off, but I'm not going to find out until next Monday... too much going on in the waking world before then.
- Reading – Meh...
- Sleep / Fitbit – 6 hours 21 minutes, 5x awake, 12x restless, 52 minutes awake/restless - that one I totally did to myself (it's in Bear's section below *wink wink*)
- Fur-babies – Dreamy is sacked out right next to me. If you follow me on any social media, you've seen pictures of this.
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – I got to talk to him this morning.
He has to do something Plan-A related tonight... I mentioned that since he's pulling the lever on Plan-B soon, he won't have to do that anymore. He agreed.
Then he told me about some distant/possible job opportunity that would take him away from me again. I expressed my deep discomfort with this. That's just the kind of thing I know I couldn't handle going through again. It's too much. No. Just no.
He has to pull the lever on his Plan-B soon... he's running out of time. He knows this, so I didn't nag.
I’m not worried about him staying up north. This isn't a Plan-C sort of situation. I'm just worried about his Plan-B not going as smoothly as he needs it to. I don't want him to stress. I don't like him stressed. He's mean when he's stressed and then I internalize that shit as him being angry with me.
But, then again I know his track record with emergency moves... this will be yet another one in how many years? I feel like he should be used to this by now.
The only other 'not exactly a worry' thing that kinda concerns me is that my apartment is small and I've filled it to the brim with my single woman lifestyle. He has stuff that he'll need to move in here and somehow I've got to make space for it. That's going to be interesting... right?
First world problems.
It's a situation, to be sure.
- The Unicorn – I have to remember to call her tonight about the health class movie... hopefully she gets through it okay and doesn't have bad dreams.
Relationships / Sweeties:
[ I took out the section on sweetie bio's, the whole 'sweetie' thing never really worked out. I only ended up with a bunch of one night stands. I'm giving up on sweeties. ]
- Recent Encounters - Nothing new to report.
This section will be entirely going away soon. No more new encounters once Bran comes back.
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon – I'm very excited that I get to see him tomorrow and that there will be snuggles. Most likely naked snuggles and if I’m lucky, some great sex too. All this, of course, after we try the Stroopwaffle.
I also threw down a suggestion on one way we could murder a Saturday. There's this really famous bad movie that he still hasn't had a chance to see (and I would love to see it with him). But it's so bad that now they've made a documentary/movie about the making of the movie. So I suggested to the Blue Falcon that we just murder a Saturday and make it a double feature.
I totally hope he goes for it.
I can't wait for tomorrow... oh... ye gods... Blue Falcon time.  
It's always just so good. I love it so much.
- Sweeties -
- Bear – So, he got to me kinda late, but that's okay. We didn't launch right into Dollhouse, though. Since I promised myself that I was going to admit my feelings for him, that's what I did. He took it well. This quickly descended into cuddles. He needed back rubs, so that's what he got. There were kisses too.
Eventually this transitioned into his pleasuring me. Those talented fingers, OMG... He's able to give it to me in just the right amount of hard and deep. He gets me screaming so loud. It's so beautiful. But after awhile my legs were just strained and shaking too much and I needed a break...  
More cuddles, more of me delivering the soft touch to him. More 'just talking'. He's a great conversationalist.
After a bit I told him that I kinda felt like playing again. He was more than willing to comply. More screaming... ye gods, he's so good.
Then a BIG SCARE.  
I tapped out because I was done again and his fingers were coated in blood!! We both panicked a little, but we cleaned up and I wasn't hurt, so I didn't appear to be damaged. We decided I must be okay.
More cuddling... and then he realized how late it was and even though neither of us wanted our time together to end, we decided it was time to part company.
I went to bed satisfied and happy.
I miss him already...  
I really hope we're able to work out a way to keep seeing each other when Bran comes home.
- Rain - Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Just Friends:
Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:
- The One-Timers – Nothing...
- The Hopefuls - … new to...
- Honorable Mentions - … report.
This section soon won't be a thing anymore either.
End Notes:  
So, I'm fully caffeinated and Cat Therapied... plus my ride is here in an hour, so I should get on with it.

Much love!

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