Saturday, November 18, 2017

Today is a good day.

I've taken to starting every day with Coffee and Contemplation, not just the mornings when I have an important show to catch up on. I'm finding that the extra time to wake up and get my brain moving is helping me complete my daily tasks with greater ease. It's a good thing.
This morning I am sans November, my Chromebook, because the Unicorn has it to catch up on her Anime. This leaves me with video watching on Sierra, my tablet. This is more than fine. After watching an episode of some shitty show over coffee, I turned it on to Pluto, this free App for TV. It's not real TV, It's their own programming. However, they have a 24/7 horror channel that feeds some great B horror films I've never seen before. So it all works out. I like this much better for background noise in comparison to music.
Today is a good day.
Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Therapy – Another reason to like starting my day with Coffee and Contemplation is that it gives me extra time to get a read on where my emotional and mental states are for the morning.
Today I seem to be okay... so far, at least. The BPD doesn't appear to be acting up and the subsequent depression and anxiety seem under control as well.  
I have reasons to be concerned, yes, but they are perfectly logical reasons and not a product of my mental illness.
- Writing – Still on hold until Monday.
- Reading – I keep promising myself that I'm going to get back to reading... I'm wondering if it's just that I’m not that into my current books? Maybe I need to find a more compelling read... ?  
- Sleep / Fitbit – 8 hours 6 minutes, 4x awake, 14x restless, 35 minutes awake/restless.
- Fur-babies – Dreamy is just starting to sack out on the other side of the computer.  
For better understanding of the layout here, I’m in my bedroom. My large, comfy, squishy bed is my favorite place to be. I have a laptop and a lap desk. The lap desk is in front of my crossed legs, laptop included. Dreamy is laying on the bed on the other side of it from me.
When he first jumped up into the bed, though?
Yeah... stinker butt.
Instead of taking the spot on the bed directly to the left, where he would normally lay down and purr himself to sleep for his nap? He decided to nudge my tablet until it was flat... and then he laid down on top of it.
So much for having that movie on in the background.
He's since moved and I’m back to my movie... but, really?
Srsly, cat.
This is the main reason why I don't want a cat of my own.
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – There's no telling whether or not I'll hear from Bran today... if anything he's probably all caught up with the Screeching Harpy trying to get her settled into her Plan-B before he parts ways with her. I'm aware that he needs to be on her good side for just a bit longer. It's not optimal, but I understand it. It's just more resentment that's going to have to come out in therapy.
So, he gets her settled and then what? Do I hear from him? Do I get some clue as to when he's coming home? Probably not.
I don't like the way he's dragging this shit out to the last minute, but I've also been with him long enough to know that this is the way he does things.
Whatever happens, he'll come home when he comes home.
It is what it is.
- The Unicorn – Our Friday kicked off a little later than usual because she was at a birthday party for a grandparent. Ye Gods, am I ever glad that I don't have to put up with that kind of shit.
Then she showed me some YouTube video's that she thought were funny. They were all centered around a particular Anime that she's seen, but I haven't. I had no choice, I just humored her. I laughed at the appropriate places and pretended I understood what the fuck was going on.
*shrug* Whatever.
HAH! But revenge is sweet.
After that I made her watch Tucker and Dale vs. Evil.
She enjoyed it.
We had pizza during the movie too.
It was a good night!!
Relationships / Sweeties:
[ I took out the section on sweetie bio's, the whole 'sweetie' thing never really worked out. I only ended up with a bunch of one night stands. I'm giving up on sweeties. ]
- Recent Encounters – I had a new, interested party contact me last night. Like, really interested. And I blew him off... I told him Bran might come home this weekend and if that happens, Bran is my priority.
Yet this section is still here because Bran is dragging this shit out. *sigh*
This is really annoying me.
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon - Nothing new to report.
- Sweeties -
- Bear - Nothing new to report.
- Rain - Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Just Friends:
I had a lovely visit from one of my very good friends yesterday. We don't hang out much, but whenever we do it's always amazing. I don't think I've ever given him a code name, so I think I'm just going to start calling him Mr. Wizard.
We have an interesting relationship.
Over the last few years he's been met with success after success. In every new venture he's attempted to expand into, he's become top of his game. No matter what it is, he's just amazing at it with barely any learning curve at all.
He gives me a lot of credit for this.
I was the one who woke him up and set him on this path to glory. Before me, he'd been stagnant. Now he's just moving... rushing water making up for lost time.
I'm okay taking the blame, LOL.
One of Mr. Wizard's most potent gifts is his ability as a Seer. I've experienced this in his Tarot card readings, but yesterday he brought his Crystal Ball! First time I've ever gotten a Crystal Ball reading!!
Things started weird, though...  
This first image that came to him was Vlad the Impaler.
The second image that came to him was Hellraiser's Pinhead.
"These are both legendary torturers!" I said.
"Have you been going through a lot of torment?" Mr. Wizard asks.
"Well, yeah..." (cuz that was kinda obvious)
But, it turns out what he was seeing wasn't really a bad thing. The name that came to him was Prometheus. That was the best way he could describe it.  
Mr. Wizard sensed an entity hovering over my left shoulder. Someone large, ancient, powerful... Very. Fucking. Powerful. Scary as hell.
And yet, this entity meant me no harm. In fact, quite the opposite. This entity, Prometheus, is my ally. He's ready to go to war for me. He's ready to torture the holy fuck-all out of my enemies. He's ready to make my vengeance known, felt, inflicted. He's ready to cause pain.  
And he will. I've promised him that. We want the same things.
And then there's the other side of him... the side that no one sees. The angelic side... the thing of beauty. The god of the phoenix rising.
This entity that's watching over me is just as much a god of creation as he is a god of destruction. Yes, when it comes to the rebirth of a phoenix, he's the cleansing fire that burns in pure fucking agony. But he's also the soothing balm that cools the newborn skin.
He's here for my awakening.
He has a story to tell. His story of how he can be beautiful too, and he's chosen me as his speaker.  
That novel that I've been working on? The one that got crippled with writer's block? Yeah, he's here for that. He's here to help me finish my book.
I’m extra good with that.
Naturally the rest of the reading centered around what's going on between me and Bran. It gave me insight into the challenges to come.  
Bran and I are going to have a lot to work through, but it will be worth it in the end.
After the reading Mr. Wizard and I took some time to just talk and catch each other up on what else is going on. It truly was a wonderful visit and I’m glad we were able to have some time for each other.
Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:
- The One-Timers – Nothing...
- The Hopefuls - … new to...
- Honorable Mentions - … report.
End Notes:  
In closing, I wanted to talk a little bit more about my new friend.
This morning I woke up with the name Apophis on my lips. I looked it up and he's not a real god, but the name was used fictionally in a Sci-Fi show. This is the name he's chosen to go by. He doesn't want to take anything away from the real Prometheus and if he is actually associated with any known Terran god, he's not revealing his true identity, yet.
For now, he wants to go by Apophis.

I'm good with that.

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