Friday, November 3, 2017

When I left, he hugged me.

Much to my surprise, yesterday turned out fucking amazing. So much so that I'm now stalking my student dentist on LinkedIN so that I can follow his career for the sole purpose of making him my regular dentist when he graduates.
He was very calming, eased my anxiety right away. He could tell how nervous I was and we both agreed that we were just going to jump in with both feet and get it the fuck over with. I shook it out with my arms and he guided me through some shoulder shrugs and rolls.  
That's when I sat him down and asked about pain management afterword's. He said he'd have to ask a resident, of course. But that's when I was so nervous that I totally misspoke and instead of saying Vicodin, I said VIAGRA!! I was so embarrassed!! But he got a hell of a belly laugh out of it.
Then while he was getting things ready, the assistant and I bonded over loving the same TV shows – totally cool.
Soon it was time for the numbing. The student dentist, we'll call him Dru, put a swab with some numbing gel into my mouth while he queued up some music. He asked me what kind of music I like but couldn't really understand my response, so we just ended up with ballad rock, starting with a little Pink Floyd. Then as we were working on getting the Novocain injected I told him how much he rocked because that was the PERFECT song for the moment!! Dru was all 'really?' And I was all 'Yeah, dude! COMFORTABLY NUMB!' - and the room went wild with the agreement that he HAS to make sure that’s the song that's playing whenever he's doing Novocain in the future.
He tested me to find out if I was numb enough, but things were still pinching a bit. So he went to get another numbing agent. I don't remember the name of it. But he hit me with that shit so hard that I was numb from the bottom of my chin all the way up to my ear canal.  
The best part about the way that the UofM School of Dentistry does their extractions is that they don't just start RIPPING. No, they go through a process of loosening the bone tissue around the tooth before the start gripping and pulling. And thanks to whatever the hell he'd injected me with, I wasn't feeling a thing.
At some point there was an experiment of putting a rubber block in my mouth to keep my jaw cranked open, but I didn't like it. That’s when I made the very inappropriate joke about not liking ball gags. Dru just about lost it, but I knew at that moment that he would never forget me. First Viagra, and now ball gags?
Then the pulling started.
OMG... there's no way to really describe what he did, but I'm going to try.
He had the plyers in his right hand, and he was coming in from above and behind me. So then he reached around and gripped/supported my chin with his left hand.
It was gentle but firm, like a lover.
It still took time, and my jaw was NOT happy. But working together... Me, Dru and the assistant... we got it done, and it was amazing.
But the way he touched me.  
The way he helped me stay calm.  
And the way he made the inappropriate comment about me getting loose for him, LOL. He KNEW it was inappropriate and I just giggled. Yeah, we bonded.
He got the tooth out, but needed help from a resident to get a piece of root out. Then he cleaned up the socket and got ready to send me on my way.  
NO good pain killers – but it turns out I don't need them, which was surprising!!
When I left, he hugged me.
Yeah... we bonded.
So, you bet your ass I’m stalking him. This guy is going to be my dentist some day. When I experience this level of professional chemistry with someone, I don't let it go.
This man took something utterly traumatizing and made it a positive experience that I will never forget. There's no way I’m walking away from something like that. Not now, not ever.
Okay, it doesn't hurt that he was smokin' hot either... but let's keep it professional!!
Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Therapy – I completely underestimated my need for comfort foods after a tooth extraction. As a result, I had to pull the lever on the emergency cake mix that I had stashed away. Devils Food cake with Double Fudge Chip frosting... I fucked it up though... the frosting didn't go on smoothly, it just tore the cake up... and the cake itself just falls apart... it's edible, but it's not the least bit pretty... maybe it doesn't have to be.
- Writing – Still on hold.
- Reading – Still trying to get into the book I just started... but it doesn't look good. However, there was a special, one day only, Kindle deal to buy A Handmaid's Tale for only $3 instead of $15... Now it turns out I could have just read it for free on Kindle Unlimited, but something made me want to own it. I know, I'm weird.
- Sleep / Fitbit – 8 hours 51 minutes, 2x awake, 13x restless, 36 minutes awake/restless. - so surprising!! I can't believe how much I'm not in pain!!
- Fur-babies – Nothing new to report.
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – I got to talk to him a little bit this morning. He continues to soothe my anxiety over the reality of his homecoming. I asked how things were going on his end and he said the Screeching Harpy had gears in the works for subsidized housing. He feels she has a good chance of getting approved for it, but he doesn't feel he would be accepted along with her, and even if he was he still has his original exit stratigy to fall back on. So, he's really not worried. Not one bit.
He's not worried about her either. If she gets this place on her own, she has a vehicle of her own and a job that she can work from home.  
Honestly, I think going it alone might be good for her. I've done it for over a year now and I'm more than okay. I've learned a lot about being independent and strong from the situation being what it is. She could stand to learn some of those same lessons.
There's nothing wrong with being a single mother. People do it all the time. She'll be fine.
- The Unicorn – It's my weekend with her!! Can't wait!
Relationships / Sweeties:
[ I took out the section on sweetie bio's, the whole 'sweetie' thing never really worked out. I only ended up with a bunch of one night stands. I'm giving up on sweeties. ]
- Recent Encounters – Nothing new to report.
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon – He was all set to run me to the pharmacy after he got off of work if I needed it, but it turned out that I didn't. No big deal. Now it's just time to leave him be again. But I do hope the Unicorn gets to see him again soon.
- Sweeties -
- Bear – He's pretty busy too... Might have to ease up on snuggle requests for a bit... seems that my anxiety over Bran is getting quelled anyway. So, it's fine. I should be okay.
Relationships / Just Friends:
Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:
- The One-Timers – Nothing...
- The Hopefuls - … new to...
- Honorable Mentions - … report.
End Notes:  
I don't really have much to say in closing... except for the whoops... I kinda just stalked my student dentist on Facebook to and sent him a message to let him know that I’m okay.
I just don't want him to worry about me.

I swear, that's all it is!!

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