Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The mistakes I make some days...

This morning as I was making the bed (yes, I make the bed) I was cleaning up some stuff on Bran's side. I was about to throw away a bakery bag when I realized there was still a doughnut in there. He said it was probably stale and told me I should feed it to the urban wildlife, but I can't bear to see food go to waste, so I ate it.
While I was still drinking my morning coffee.
Right before the final coffee, in which I indulge in real sugar and whole milk.
It was a stale, cake, sugar doughnut, by the way.
Now my tummy is SO mad at me. Just nauseous as all get out.
The mistakes I make some days...
… sheesh.
Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Therapy – I did take Valkyries advice on addressing any possible insecurities on Bran's end. This seems to have had the desired effect (so far) - I will continue with this process.
- Writing – I'll try to get some words out next week.
- Reading – Still 'Meh'…
- Sleep / Fitbit – 7 hours 31 minutes, 0x awake, 11x restless, 23 minutes awake/restless - so last night was a pretty good night!!
- Fur-babies – Dreamy just went home. He took a pretty decent nap despite the number of distractions. Initially Bran was still in bed and scrolling through some social media. His volume was turned up pretty high and he was getting some annoyed looks from the cat, but I brought it to his attention and he turned his phone down. LOL, it's cute the way Dreamy gets such special attention.
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
I see my primary care physician today. Technically it's a 'diabetes follow up' but sorta not really. It just turns out that my health insurance will no longer cover my current glucometer, so I have to get a prescription from my doctor for a new one that I can then pick up from my pharmacy for free. But, I'm sure they'll pull out all the bells and whistles. Including the weight check, which I'm not looking forward to.
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – Yesterday... after therapy, and I think during the tail end of Bran's lunch break, there was a little bit of a cuddle. I took that time to directly/indirectly address any insecurities that may have reared their ugly little heads since my 'date night' with the Blue Falcon on Sunday. It wasn't really a date night, but both Valkyrie and I could see how Bran might see it that way. Especially with how much the Blue Falcon has been there for me over this last year. He's taken care of me so much when Bran just wasn't there.
So, there was this cuddle, and I asked him; "Is everything okay?" Or "Are you okay?" - I honestly can't remember which. And then I brought it to his attention that his first two nights being home he'd been really cuddly at night. But the last few nights, not so much. I let my concern be felt.
If there was a problem, I don't think Bran was aware of it. I think it was largely subconscious behavior until I brought it up.
Then, after Bran got off work, I followed the rest of Valkyries advice and I told him how much I appreciated him being home. How glad I was to delete my dating profiles and how happy I was to focus my attention just on him. I thanked him for being there and made it clear that I welcome him in my space.
And guess what?
He was super cuddly last night as we slept.
Whatever it was, one of Valkyrie's suggestions must have worked.
This is a good thing.
- The Unicorn – She has tomorrow and Friday off from school, so she's coming over tonight instead of Friday. I'm very excited to see the look on her face when she sees that Bran is home.
Relationships / Sweeties:
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon – Nothing new to report.
- Sweeties -
- Bear - Nothing new to report.
 - AmbiguSweeties -
 - Pathfinder - Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Just Friends:
Nothing new to report.
End Notes:  

Nothing really to say in closing... I just have to get moving so I can get this posted before I have to run out the door.

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