Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Resurgence of Rain...

Yesterday was a day for snuggles! (okay, and more than snuggles  :)  )
Started with Rain showing up an hour earlier than expected. I was still in the shower!
Then I went down for a much needed nap.
And then Bear showed up.
So, basically, I got nothing done but snuggles yesterday.
I’m still calling that a good day.
Mental Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Therapy – Woke up to a PTSD nightmare today. Because isn't that just the way it is? I get all this snuggle therapy yesterday, and I probably won't have more snuggles incoming soon, so, of course, this is the time my mind chooses to send another PTSD nightmare at me.
In this one, Bran was home, but I was still having trouble processing all my resentment over how the last year has played out. I was trying to work through it, but I was just SO angry with him over everything that he did wrong.
Logically, I know these might have been things he had no control over. Karmically, I'm sure these are things he had no control over. Yet, I still hate him for them.
At some point I need to be able to let this shit go... and I have no clue how the hell I'm going to get there.
I just hope I have enough help along the way.
- Writing – Still on hold.
- Reading – Some reading should be done today.
- Sleep / Fitbit – 8 hours 32 minutes, 1x awake, 13x restless, 28 minutes awake/restless - and yet I don't feel the least bit rested. I was dragging this morning, really badly. It's a little better now that I'm almost done with second coffee, but I'm worried I'm going to need another nap this afternoon.
- Fur-babies – I ran into Catmom last night when I was letting Bear in, but still no fur-baby visits... *le sigh*
Physical Health / Unfuck Yourself:
- Exercise/Yoga - I almost had a clear run of days where I could have tried to exercise again, but I had to reschedule a shopping trip... I don't know yet which day that will interrupt... but that shit just throws me off. It's just not something I feel I can work around.
Yes, I know I suck.
Relationships / Family:
- Bran – We got to chat a little bit this morning. He's doing okay. No update on the plan to come home. I didn't ask and he didn't tell. I feel like I should have asked, but I think I held back because I didn't want to pressure him. I'm sure he's getting enough pressure from the Screeching Harpy right now. She's got to be feeling pretty desperate at this point. Things are closing in on her... it's almost over for her... and then she'll be alone. With any luck, back home with her parents.
They care about her, but they're not the most emotionally supportive bunch. They don't understand her life choices.
I'm not sure when or if he's going to let her find out that he 'came back' to me. But, I know that he's been tempted to tell her that he 'never left' me a few times.
Part of me wishes I had a window into her life... I just want to see all the pain. I want to watch her get what's coming to her. I want to see her suffer.
Yeah, I know how that makes me sound, but if you understood the full scope of what she put me through... what she forced him to put me through. If you understood why she's still the source of so many nightmares, I think you'd understand why I need to be the source of hers.
I need vengeance...  
If anyone faults me for that... well, then maybe we shouldn't be friends.
- The Unicorn – Nothing new to report.  
Relationships / Sweeties:
[ I took out the section on sweetie bio's, the whole 'sweetie' thing never really worked out. I only ended up with a bunch of one night stands. I'm giving up on sweeties. ]
- Recent Encounters – See Below, RE: Bear & Rain.
- Updates on Favorites -  
- Blue Falcon – Nothing new to report.
- Sweeties -
- Bear – As previously mentioned, I'd just finished my post Rain nap when I got the text from Bear that he was on his way. We did our standard 'good long hug' when he got here, then he kissed me, but I let him know I couldn't kiss too much because I was still sore.
We retired to the chamber of snuggles and cuddled and talked, catching each other up on stuff. I talked mostly about getting the Unicorn into Stranger Things and how that all played out.  
We talked about other things too, and this all pretty quickly morphed into play time. He was definitely in a mood, and I will say again that he has very talented fingers. He didn't quite get me up to screaming, but he got me to the point where my throat was so dry that I couldn't continue.
Then it was naked snuggles and the first 5 episodes of season 2 of Dollhouse.  
He left right around my bedtime, so that worked out just perfectly. It was a good time.  :)
Not sure when we're planning on seeing each other again, but I hope it's soon.
- Rain – Poor rain!! He got to me while I was still in the shower!! Good thing he was only waiting outside for about 10 minutes. But it was COLD, so I still felt bad. Normally I take my phone with me into the bathroom, so this was a mistake on my part. He shouldn't have been neglected that long.
Anyway. I got him inside and it was like he'd never disappeared. We just picked up right where we left off. That hug of his, where he rocks me a little bit. That kiss where he says hello...  
The way we so easily fall into cuddles on my bed.
We talked for a bit, getting each other caught up and stuff.
He asked if we should watch Supernatural, I said we didn't have to if he'd like to just keep talking... I mean, it HAS been awhile since we've talked.
Somehow... that became him freeing his very hard cock from the confines of his pants. There was kissing. I asked if he had condoms, he said they were in his coat, which was hung in the front hall closet.
He went to go grab one and then he was gone for a little bit longer than expected. When he got back it was evident WHY. He came back to me fully naked, hard, and sheathed in laytex.  
He wasted no time getting me naked too... There were some... minor difficulties getting our bodies interlocked, but then the sex was as amazing as I remember it.... he went until he was too exhausted to continue. He didn't achieve climax, but that's normal for him. I don't think he can cum with a condom on, and I’m used to that. I might have to ride bareback with him sometime just to find out.
Then it was naked cuddles and S2E1 of Supernatural.
Then I showed him THIS:

LOL, he was amused by how wrong that was... this pushed us into our usual 'showing each other fucked up things on the internet'. That was mostly him showing me fucked up things. Aside from the one video I couldn't find, I had nothing.
Meanwhile he was working his way up to climaxing... even with all that distraction... and he eventually did finish.
And then he bolted.
Just to avoid rush hour traffic, but he bolted nonetheless, LOL.
It's okay.
He's still my sweetie again and I know I'll see more of him in the near future. It's nice to have him back. I've missed him. He says he's missed me too.
It's all good.
Relationships / Just Friends:
Nothing new to report.
Relationships / Potentials and Honorable Mentions:
- The One-Timers – Nothing...
- The Hopefuls - … new to...
- Honorable Mentions - … report.
End Notes:  
So, today is just therapy... I was going to do a shopping run with my new case worker but we have to put it off until later this week...  

Hopefully I'll get that nap in later.

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